• Member Since 29th May, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 7th, 2016



Sorry · 11:38pm Dec 6th, 2013

I'm no longer able to be on here. I can't really tell you why. This is the last time I'm visiting this site.

Report Smalls · 561 views · Story: Awkward Situations ·
Comments ( 15 )
  • Viewing 11 - 15 of 15

You seem to have skills.
I like that. :moustache:
As for the coma, don't count on it. I have ridden my house of any slippery fruits and anything that flies. No head injuries for me, thanks!

I like to think that I have relatively high standards when it comes to fanfiction, but god damn if I can't help but love every single word you beam into my eyeballs. I honestly think this is the quickest I have ever come to love a particular person's writing style. Please don't slip on a banana peel and go into a coma, because then I would miss your stories.

What can I say? You got skills. :moustache:

Huh, well then, thanks for the watch! :pinkiehappy:

  • Viewing 11 - 15 of 15
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