• Member Since 14th Jun, 2018
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Literally a guy who likes games and tv. I write Dystopia/Dark Scenarios.

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How to Improve SCP: Breakout? · 3:55am Sep 18th, 2020

The title says it all, I am not really liking the most recent chapters (despite multiple rewrites), and I am looking for ideas on how to improve the story going forward. Any and all ideas are welcome.

I will accept all suggestions from every chapter, not just the one I just posted.

Report Happy2343 · 341 views · Story: SCP: Breakout ·
Comments ( 21 )
  • Viewing 17 - 21 of 21

Understandable and good luck on finals.

Am focusing on FInals right now, I will start working again in May

Heyo, I am wondering if you will continue to work on SCP:breakout. This seems to be an unusually long silence from you.

  • Viewing 17 - 21 of 21
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