• Member Since 8th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Bender Alpha

"I love deadlines! I like the whooshing noise they make as they fly by." -Douglas Adams

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1) All art I use will either be with permission, or at least with a link to the source. (User avatar yoinked from John Joseco)

2) I love all ponies equally. (Except for Fluttershy. She is slightly more equal in my heart.)

3) I am the dumb. (Please don't hurt me.)


Feeling a bit CD Projekt Red right now. · 5:36am Jan 11th, 2021

I'm not entirely sure what I should say right now. I suppose the first thing would be to apologize. I commented on Frey'd recently that I would try to post yesterday, and the weekend's already over. I wish I wasn't like this. I wish I could sit down and write for five minutes without the feeling of overwhelming dread washing over me. I wish I could just write everything I want to write without worrying whether or not it's worth it.

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Report Bender Alpha · 852 views · Story: Frey'd at the Edges ·
Comments ( 66 )
  • Viewing 62 - 66 of 66

random check in, have a nice wednesday

still here, hope you're doing well.

Hope you’ve been well. It would be cool to see you back!

so I guess this place is dead too.....

  • Viewing 62 - 66 of 66
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