• Member Since 26th Nov, 2016
  • offline last seen Mar 16th, 2020


I am an aspiring Philosopher, Artist, and Writer. Suffice it to say I am an aspiring 'Jack of all Trades'. I'm not as active yet as I'd like to be, but I have reasons.

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Comments ( 4 )
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I can't help but be a stalker lately. .-. I also do a lot of lurking on stories I read and comment on discussions that interest me when they show up in my feed.

I've seen you around a few times on various stories and such and your persona stuck out enough for me to investigate further and find out that you are writing a Minecraft crossover. You seem interesting and I like Minecraft, so thats two specific reasons.

I found you through your thread in the SS-PB Group for your story "My Friendship with Starswirl"

That story (And something else about you I can't quite place) has me intrigued.

2349016 Thank you! I seem to have figured mostly everything out, but if I run into any trouble I'll let you know. And I'm glAd to be here!

I love your avatar btw.

Why hello there, new FIMFiction user! Welcome to the premiere site for MLP fan fiction! :pinkiehappy:
Follow me, I'll be your guide! If you have any questions about how the site works, then please don't be afraid to ask me. I'm glad to be of service, and we are all glad that you've joined on!

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