After 1000 years of tyranny and despair, one mare attempts to unleash ultimate evil, in a desperate bid to save her people and lead them to a brighter future. What she gets is not quite as advertised on the box.
To make sure she's OK, Rainbow Dash visits Fluttershy on Nightmare Night. However, this peaceful and quiet cottage is about to – ahem – “play host” to some strange and unnatural forces.
[TEEN VERSION] Discord comes to Celestia, wanting her help to fix a problem. There is a Smooze in danger of attacking ponies! Celestia had no idea there was more than one Smooze.
Pinkie Pie is dating The Smooze, and together, they're an unstoppable party machine. Twilight and the gang have decided to break them up. It goes... perfectly fine. Nothing goes wrong at all. NOTHING.
Loneliness makes strange bedfellows, and Sunset Shimmer's may be the strangest of all. A graying researcher with a halcyon childhood, she flees on a night train beside the partner she can only protect by never seeing again. But can she truly let go?
To make sure she's OK, Rainbow Dash visits Fluttershy on Nightmare Night. However, this peaceful and quiet cottage is about to – ahem – “play host” to some strange and unnatural forces.
After 1000 years of tyranny and despair, one mare attempts to unleash ultimate evil, in a desperate bid to save her people and lead them to a brighter future. What she gets is not quite as advertised on the box.
After Discord failed to break up Twilight's friendships, he decides to trade places with a future Discord where the Elements would no longer exist. A future where, unknown to him, Discord has been reformed...
After 1000 years of tyranny and despair, one mare attempts to unleash ultimate evil, in a desperate bid to save her people and lead them to a brighter future. What she gets is not quite as advertised on the box.
Equestria is gone. But Celestia still has work to do. The Road lies ahead of her, and at its end—the most difficult decision of her life. Again. 2nd place in the "History Repeats" write-off.
Loneliness makes strange bedfellows, and Sunset Shimmer's may be the strangest of all. A graying researcher with a halcyon childhood, she flees on a night train beside the partner she can only protect by never seeing again. But can she truly let go?
To make sure she's OK, Rainbow Dash visits Fluttershy on Nightmare Night. However, this peaceful and quiet cottage is about to – ahem – “play host” to some strange and unnatural forces.