• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2017
  • offline last seen 6 minutes ago

Jade Dawn

You're a lot stronger than you think you are. Trust me.

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A Little Bit About Me

Name: Wouldn't you like to know?

Age: Old enough to be alive and young enough to not be old.

Gender: Male

Nationality: American

Other Online Locations (known elsewhere as JurassicKaiju14): YouTube, Instagram, Planet Minecraft, FanFiction (INACTIVE)


Jadepone art! · 6:58pm July 13th

Artwork of my boy by the talented Cosmalumi.

One of these days I'll get around to writing a proper story for him, flesh out his character and all that.

Comments ( 439 )
  • Viewing 435 - 439 of 439

If you thought the way the Suicide Squad game killed off the Arkhamverse Batman was lazy and disrespectful, wait until you hear the game's explanation on how the members of the Justice League got captured and brainwashed by Brainiac in the first place:

Hey there, Jade Dawn. Go ahead and take a look at a discussion thread that you might be interested in (but I will respect if you're not:


If the link works, go ahead and take a look. If not, I'm sorry for wasting your time.

Thanks for adding Forbidden Melodies to your favorites as well as your "Good Stuff" folder. I'm glad you liked it.

Thanks for letting me know.

  • Viewing 435 - 439 of 439
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