This story is a sequel to A Time to Think
Having fled the new Changeling Hive, Chrysalis contemplates her life and those that have truly brought her misery. Fortunately, she's about to meet someone who understands her and, even better, wants to "help".
With the vehement disagreements over Chrysalis between Thorax and the Crystal monarchs, tensions are sure to be high everywhere. The royal brothers must now deal with the fallout of the situation. But something just doesn't feel right about the whole situation.
All the while, the race to find the former Changeling Queen is on.
The long anticipated sequel to A Time to Think. I do hope you enjoy it! Up-vote and Fave the story. Leave any comments, questions, and constructive criticism down below. But most importantly: ENJOY😁
P.S. Extra character tags include Pharynx, minor appearances by the mane 6 and the Royal Sisters, and a host of others that I won't list here for story purposes.
Im going to enjoy reading this so much I'm favoriteting this I can't wait for more good first chapter mage
Will the next chapter be Thorax telling everyone everything?
I'm going to enjoy this and I hope the sisters aren't too hard on Thorax. The poor guy's had enough stress as is.
well technically it was armor and cadences fault and she was under thorax's protection so id be more worried about thorax and pharynx being to hard on the princesses
Look interesting, looking forward to more.
Yeah, maybe more Pharynx being hard on them. But I agree. Still, they must have some questions for the brothers.
When's the next chapter?
A fair question. I'm going to need some time double check that It's ready for launch. I'll also be mentioning future uploads in the next chapter's author note, so I encourage it be read.
That was an interesting chapter. Good to see Thorax can hold his own in the authority field. Can't wait to see what happens next!
"Celestia and Luna shared the same looks of absolute shock at the sight before them. Parts of them wanted to shout, berate the young Royal couple for what they had done, but they couldn’t. It was all too shocking." It's nice see Celestia & Luna leaning towards Thorax's side, don't know for how long though....
Man the hype for this is spectacular I'm so excited for whats to come next I really want to see thorax lose it on them because they had no right to do that even if they hated her I will wait patiently for the next chapter your doing fabulous mage take your time its worth it
Oh WOW. That was a great chapter! I must see more! Poor Thorax though...
Well, well, well... looks like the ponies are in some serious trouble.
I wonder how Chryssie is handling things...
You misspelled 'centaur'
Thank you! Correction has been made.
Finamanal chapter it was a great chapter I loved it I can't wait to see more but take your time no need to rush
I forgot to point out that you put an 'm' in front of 'at'. Also how's it going with the next chapter?
A interesting story but it doesn’t seem to me like Chrysalis would care as much if she was literally in the woods going crazy before
Oh no! What's gonna happen to Chrys? Heh, very great and suspenseful chapter, if a bit short. I can't wait to find out what comes next.
Oh, hope Chryssi is ok
Let me guess: Discord?
Oh, sweet summer child.
It's never going to be that simple.
Man the suspense is real I can't wait to see what's next mage your doing great
god fucking damn it how I have not seen this!? I have been waiting for a sequel of time to think and didn't find it until now and it has been MONTHS!!!. Now finally get to know what happen next.
Why don't you continue?🙁
I think the word you meant to use was complied.
Awww, this was a good chapter, Pharynx is such a good brother. Great job!
Thank you
No problem, good luck with the next chapter
Eventually Shining and Cadance are going to have to accept that everything Thorax said about them is true whether they like it or not. The question is, what’s it going to take to make them realize that?
I've got a few ideas...
I’m sure you do.
I'm happy to see your doing ok mage and I'm happy that I get to see another chapter you are doing wonderful hope your day is well and peaceful
Welcome back! I look forward to rest👍🏻
Glad to see this story getting updated more. I missed reading your stuff.
What could it be I must know more awesome work my dude another awesome chapter
Thats a nice surprise.
You finally continue :-)
And this chapters is very good.
Wondering what's going on?
Nice chapter!
Another interesting chapter of Chrysalis’ perspective. Creepy cliffhanger too.
Another new chapter in this story always brings a smile to my face.
That was intense!
another chapter ends at the most interesting point. Only unlike the previous chapter, which was intriguing, this one ended in a dangerous place.
How's it going?
I can honestly relate on the lack of focus and lack of motivation thing.
Already wondering who or what this monster is.
Note taken.
Poke poke poke poke
I know the feeling of lack of inspiration I've had it but hey I've been here sense the beginning of this story and let me say this story so far has been fantastic and I hope to see more your very good at world building and your stories are some of my favorites never give up no matter the challenge stay strong you got this