• Member Since 7th Oct, 2016
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


Fellow Changeling lover and writer. Well, OLD style changelings anyway

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  • 272 weeks
    1k Views on Loyalty Of A Changeling

    Welp, it only took two and a half years, but my oldest story on the channel managed to finally reach a thousand views! The first and only story so far to have reached that milestone! Thanks for making today shine a bit brighter for me :D

    1 comments · 318 views

1k Views on Loyalty Of A Changeling · 5:32pm May 4th, 2019

Welp, it only took two and a half years, but my oldest story on the channel managed to finally reach a thousand views! The first and only story so far to have reached that milestone! Thanks for making today shine a bit brighter for me :D

Comments ( 36 )
  • Viewing 32 - 36 of 36

Hello my dear loyal changeling, time to bring back the glory days of the Swarm, right?

So any progress in writing ?

So, are things going all right with you?

Where can I read the webcomic your avatar is from?

  • Viewing 32 - 36 of 36
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