• Member Since 8th Dec, 2016
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"Listen. Do you smell something." - "Let's split up. Yeah we can do more damage that way."


Is this mech porn? · 8:05am Jan 2nd, 2023

I recently saw a post on twitter regarding the opening of Metal Skin Panic Maddox-01 as such.

Given that this is one of my favourite OVA/short film that I first saw back in the early 2000s when anime was first taking off here in the UK, I’ll share the opening in question so you can see for yourselves.

Comments ( 189 )
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Enjoy the reading and leave a comment :twilightsmile:
Stay snuggly ♡:yay:

Thanks for adding "What Mistakes Tell Us"! :scootangel:

Thanks for adding Into the Night to your Read it Later.

I hope you enjoy reading EQG: The Last of Us when you can.

Thank you for adding Warhorse to your reading list, I hope you'll enjoy it when you do read it!

  • Viewing 185 - 189 of 189
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