• Member Since 6th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 27th, 2016


Old ass user, probably never finishing my stories cause they suck. If i like something of yours it's probably pretty damned good.

Hey R&R, when are you releasing that story which I REALLY want to read?

Well, I'll tell you right now, dear reader.

Prologue, Chapters 1 & 2: completed and posted!
Chapter 3 and beyond: In progress

What I Failed to Recognise:
Chapters 1 - 5: Completed and posted!
Chapter 6 (possibly an epilogue, not sure what to call it): In progress

Various other fic ideas: I'm constantly writing synopsises, reworking, then giving up on them. Ah well.


[Status:REDACTED] · 3:16am May 25th, 2013

"Me? I'm nothing. I'm a fart in the air conditioning. I'm always there, but most of the time nobody knows it."

Report redactedandredacted · 656 views ·
Comments ( 39 )
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I'm following you :pinkiecrazy:

432237 Moar FCWL? You actually write one of the only stories I still get excited about! I'm heading there RIGHT NOW. Even though it is... 2:21 AM? Yeah maybe I'll do that tomorrow.

Yay, I'm your 50th follower! :rainbowkiss:

Hello, my friend. Just wanted to pop by and let you know chapter 3 is up after decades of waiting. I hope everything's all right - I totally get the writer's block you mentioned in the previous post - but you'll get it back! It always comes back eventually.

388671 You don't know ANY bronies in Ontario? My school is damn filled with em. I live sorta GTA-ish, PM me if you want to be more specific.

As for my writing, there's no easy answer to that. I can't write well without desire, and lately I just haven't felt much desire to finish WIFTR. I like the story and the characters, but I've really backed myself up against a wall, I feel. I wish I could finish it, but I just don't know what to do! I'm not satisfied with any of the endings I've come up with. So it's frozen in stasis... :facehoof:

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