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Celestia and Luna were born as earth pony foals in a dangerous world. They must rise from nothing to become the princess we know, upsetting chiefs, gods, and the very forces of nature in the balance.
by SlyWit
14 words
· 1,404 · 30
The Flight of the Alicorn
Rarity finds herself forced into an unlikely alliance when her airship crashes far from home.
by Ponydora Prancypants
227,108 words
· 1,453 · 29
The Glass Blower
A young artist in love will do whatever it takes to satisfy his heart.
by Cold in Gardez
10,489 words
· 1,213 · 26
The Present
Twilight's foalsitter, Cadance, gifts the little filly with a present.
by Ink Stain
1,410 words
· 133 · 3
Twilight's foalsitter, Cadance, gifts the little filly with a present.
Ink Stain ·
1.4k words
· 133
3 ·
Zecora tells Applebloom her past and why she moved to the Everfree Forest.
Ink Stain ·
3.9k words
· 38
1 ·
This may be overdue, but thanks for watching me.