Months after their first steamy encounter, Soarin decides that it's high time for he and Thunderlane to go on the perfect date together for Hearts and Hooves Day. Thing is, Soarin isn't the most organised or luckiest of ponies.
After a diplomatic mission threatens to lead Equestria into a hopeless war, Shining Armour and Princess Cadence must battle against a brilliant enemy if their home is to survive.
Strawberries and Storm CloudsMonths after their first steamy encounter, Soarin decides that it's high time for he and Thunderlane to go on the perfect date together for Hearts and Hooves Day. Thing is, Soarin isn't the most organised or luckiest of Skyblitz
8,839 words
· 40 · 5
The Wonderbolt Series
Race the WindSoarin' has kept his feelings for Spitfire secret a long time. But when a new stallion comes to school, things literally spiral out of Skyblitz
24,171 words
· 201 · 11
Hurricane Force Winds...Spitfire and Soarin's lives are turned upside down with a certain unwanted complication in the form of a Skyblitz
21,028 words
· 113 · 7
The Kiss of WinterAfter a diplomatic mission threatens to lead Equestria into a hopeless war, Shining Armour and Princess Cadence must battle against a brilliant enemy if their home is to Skyblitz
30,917 words
· 12 · 0
On a Cross and ArrowTwilight and her five friends are transported across dimensions to... Ponyville, Equestria? But not the same one they Conner Cogwork
86,362 words
· 4,521 · 99
BastionBeing Princess Celestia's personal guard is a gruelling, thankless job. However, when the Princess begins tutoring a small purple filly, Bastion finds himself on the receiving end of a much needed Cloud Hop
3,059 words
· 770 · 14
So uh, when might there be a sequel to Detention? If one at all...?
hey just wondering..... when are the new chapters of Hurricane Force Winds coming out!!!!!!!?????
Oh look, a fellow SoariLane Shipper!
Please update a Thousand Winters. It would make my life close to being complete please.