• Member Since 14th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 16th, 2020

TG divet3


Alright everyone. I need to know something. · 1:02pm May 14th, 2014

Recently I just had a huge streak of boredom and wrote out about 80% of a plot for a story. And although I know I'm most certainly not a great writer and not entirely interested in becoming one...I feel oddly motivated to write the story. If I actually wrote the story, would you all care? Let me know what ya think.

Report TG divet3 · 345 views ·
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Not even a little? It won't hurt that much, I promise.

954753 If I lose my vocal chords forever, yes. I've all but lost my ideas and interest for writing and moved on to voice acting at this point.
Also I'm just letting you know right now, this isn't an open invite to come to my house and shoot me in the throat :rainbowlaugh:

Are you ever planning on writing anything else?

Comment posted by TG divet3 deleted Mar 1st, 2014

Thanks for the watch compadre. ^_^ I wish you good-dwelling on becoming a great fiction reviewer!

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