• Member Since 17th May, 2012
  • offline last seen July 17th



The Status Of: The Conversion Bureau, Reap What You Sow · 6:31pm Mar 27th, 2013

Do to various problems, and writers block the story will be entering indefinite hiatus, because I need to clear my head, perhaps a rewrite is in order, or maybe just more time to brainstorm ideas. But if it's any conciliation, I happen to be thinking of a Warhammer 40K/ crossover with the Conversion Bureau, and it will involve one of three chapters that I haven't decided yet, note if you are a resident of 4chan you will know two of these chapters. Here's a hint for them :

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Love the name!


Hey there! Thanks for the fave on my goofy hypno-pone story. I’m glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks for the fav on my story, Fireteam Storm,

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