• Member Since 23rd Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 1st, 2015

OJ Orbit

I just love to read and write pony fan fiction, nothing much else to be said.


Back to Invasion · 10:04pm Sep 8th, 2013

I had it on Hiatus but I made the adjustments, the HUGE problems anyway. I'm sure there's stuff in there I missed, so let me know if that's the case. Anyway, I finally have an editor and I'm getting the new chapters checked through him. We'll see where this goes!

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The rewrites are going well. I've finished the current rewrites for Invasion and I'm starting the new chapters. I still need reviews though, So far I have one VERY helpful one, but more is always welcome. I'll pop it on the forums and see who can review.

A very belated Welcome to Authors Helping Authors from your founder vren55


How has your experience with the group been so far and do you still need story reviews? If so, hit the folders or even pop one on an admin's story. WE LIKE FEEDBACK!!!

And if you have any questions, comments or concerns, feel free to PM me or comment on my page anytime :twilightsmile:


P.S. How's the rewrites going? I know your pain :fluttershysad:. They're never easy.

596746 No problem! I absolutely loved it!

Thank you for faving 'An Elusive Heart' :twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile:

Well, thank you for the watch good sir, and I wish you luck in fixing your story up!

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