• Member Since 5th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen June 11th

The Cloaked One

I ship ponies with other ponies, no human fic's, or anthros. I release them when they are done. Have a fantastic death-erm. Day... (Also, this is my 18+ account. Link to the other is on the side.)

Other accounts.

My youtube

My other account. (everyone stories will be on this one. With the exception of The Star Swirl {42Rapture} Series, that is mature.

Statius: single,
Plays football and Shot put/discus
Runs up and down the house 20 times
Does the flop 40 times.
Writes 999 messed up words.
I say: I say: I say: I say; I sound like a broken record.

Welcome To My Cave!

I don't do much other than play games, football, read, write, and have fun talking with people.
I'm closing up things and finishing up projects. But It will be a bit before I even put a new story out.

Slow updates and stories to be made will be on hold for the time being. School has started and the football season has as well. I may get to one chapter a weekend for my other book/account.

It may be a bit till i even get to one of my books or mail. I will be back on once I either have an update or a new book. I won't be fully back on till the end of this school year.

Book Story Progress!

The Broken one is the first book of The Star Swirl series. Which is on my other account.
(90%) Brainstorm scenes, ideas, etc.
(50%) write the prologue rough draft-revape is going well, better than i expected.
(100%) Setup first chapter.
(2%) Refine the prologue.
(10% ) write chapter one
(0%) Revise Chapter One
(0%) Edit and fix any errors
(My aunt, more needed my aunt is busy a lot) Get 3 people to edit or proofread.
(0%) Revise again with the proofer or editor.
(0%) Rewrite as final draft (Me putting it on fimfiction.)
( ) Publish Story
( ) Passed Moderation
Completion percent (1%) I'm expecting for a long book. About 50 chapters, from 10k to 5k each.

The Magic Sponge- remaking/on hold.

(50%) Brainstorm scenes, ideas, etc
(50%) Write rough draft
() revise Chapter One
() Edit and fix any errors
( HavokAfterDark) get a proofreader
() Revise again
() Rewrite as final draft
( HavokAfterDark) get an editor
( ) Publish Story (...)
( ) Passed Moderation

Foreseer's to a new world!-
Moved and completely getting remade.-On Hold

Apple is who?-On Hold.

(20%) Brainstorm scenes, ideas, etc
(1%) Write rough draft
( ) Revise Chapter One
( ) Edit and fix any errors
( ) Hired a proofreader
( ) Revise again
( ) Rewrite as final draft
( ) Hired an editor
( ) Publish Story
( ) Passed Moderation

Intervening a dream for the real. (found a great name)

(1%) Brainstorm scenes, ideas, etc
( ) Write rough draft
( ) Revise Chapter One
( ) Edit and fix any errors
( ) Hired a proofreader
( ) Revise again
( ) Rewrite as final draft
( ) Hired an editor
( ) Publish Story
( ) Passed Moderation

Insanity Team!
People that are on the team.

Eris H discordia, He has fallen to the banned spell, but we can still talk.
I gladly add you in the book, all ya need is a google+ account and can go on a doc! Whoops, I also forgot it has spots that are comment driven.
Editor or/and Proofreader's
My aunt-Both, but not available at times.
5 open spots!(pm me to apply!) Also, if you haven't done anything yet. Your name will NOT be on this list.
Art Helpers
aFluffyGuy! also check his fim account too!
1-if anyone wants to help I'd be glad to promote as much as I can!
People that want recognition for giving me ideas.
That is 0 right now. If you give me an idea it will help me progress within my books.

Any Questions on regarding on helping just pm me! :twilightsmile:

I'm setting this team up. So, when my aunt doesn't have time to help, i have some friends to help. :pinkiehappy:

Comments ( 45 )
  • Viewing 41 - 45 of 45

1946371 Oh just a pointer, this is my mature account... I'm mostly on my other one Nightmare Facades.

I also should tell you that I'm going to soon have a big series starting soon. I may ask normal for input on things.

Thanks again. I hope this leads to a good friendship.

1946361 DanTheBrony, or his new name: Benjamin Patrick McNote.

I've known him since I've joined this site, you may not know him, but he is a little off key. (You'll get the joke after you look at him.)

Which friend would that be? Maybe I know him.

  • Viewing 41 - 45 of 45
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