• Member Since 9th Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen May 16th, 2023


I'm just like everyone else... except for the part where I'm completely different from everyone else... and that's okay.


Apparently, somebody did a reading on YouTube... · 8:08pm Oct 3rd, 2016

So this is a thing. I can't bear to watch a lot of it, because... frankly I'm embarrassed to hear somebody speak the words I have written, but ScarlettBlade, has done a reading of my first story on YouTube. I really appreciate him doing that, and if you liked the story feel free to drop by the videos and leave him some nice comments, or mention just how awful my first story was. Still, he has a very pleasant voice and it seems like he's trying his best to make my story sound good and I really

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Report HavokAfterDark · 516 views · Story: Sonata's Sexomnia ·
Comments ( 39 )
  • Viewing 35 - 39 of 39

Hey, Havok. Great to see you're still active. Nice new story you posted. Do you intend to get back to "The Show Must Go On" and go on from there?

Hey, Havok, when will we see the next chapter of 'The Show Must Go On'? A lot of us want to see the resolution to Trixie's problem, not to mention see what you have in story for your series next.

Thanks for the follow love your work hope to maybe collab something sometime :pinkiehappy:

Did you fall off the earth?

Thank you so much for the favourite on You're Poison! :pinkiehappy:

  • Viewing 35 - 39 of 39
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