Taking a Little Vacation · 2:50am Jun 29th, 2015
Hey all,
I just wanted to let my readers and the people I am currently editing for know that I will be away for the next week. The good thing about this is that the 14 hour drive there and back will give me ample time to actually get my second chapter finished (and maybe get started on a third) meaning that the second chapter WILL be posted next weekend. I am sorry for the wait guys, things have just been really crazy for me over the last year. Talk to y'all soon!
You okay?
Something happen on vacation?
Thanks for the watch friend.
The revisions for Diary of a Lost Princess are finally finished and uploaded. Hope ya'll enjoy!
I have finally submitted my first fic's first chapter for review. Here's to it being accepted!
Thank you so much for favoring Luna Plays and for stalking me!
That really means a lot! After you're done reading a moderately sized bit, what would you say your favorite parts of the story were so far?