• Member Since 19th Aug, 2015
  • offline last seen Mar 27th, 2016


I'm a teenage Brony just looking for some laughs and good reads. If anypony has some suggestions don't be shy to send them my way. I may write in the future so any suggestions are welcome! /)


I'm getting rid of my fim. · 7:33pm Mar 27th, 2016

Don't worry, I'll still be in contact with those I need to be in with.

Report BASS · 255 views ·
Comments ( 98 )
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Citizen 2: "I'm not sure what the emperor would need with that, but who cares?"

2149662 Heh, thanks. I found it on DeviantArt. If I can find it I'll link you.

That Profile pic. Is. SO. CUTE!!!!

-Passes out from adorbs-

Japanese citizen: "Congrats, the Emperor has been knocked out from cuteness. Rarely happens."

Comment posted by Pony writer deleted Mar 5th, 2016

2113467 yeah, thanks though!

  • Viewing 94 - 98 of 98
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