• Member Since 23rd Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Jan 31st, 2019



So apparently everyone is doing this now? · 10:08am Apr 11th, 2014

1. What's your name?
Call me Melody...but my IRL nickname is Wands
2. How old are you?
3. What country do you live in?
4. What do you look like?
Brown complexion, just past shoulder length wavy thin dark brown hair which is somehow really red in sunlight, dark brown eyes, curvy in all the wrong places, apparently adorable cheeks. I dunno.
5. Who do you wish you looked like?

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Report Wonderstruck · 499 views ·

Hey look! I wrote a story! (with a friend, same thing :P)


Now, what do you want to know about moi?
I am cray cray?
I love pink?
I love love?
Ok, so my name be something that I ain't telling ya :P But you can call me Wands. Or Melody. Or Wonderstruck. Or something along any of those lines!
I'm a crazy 18 year old chick (and I'm happily taken by a prince of my very own :3), I live in the wonderfully weird place called Melbourne, which according to Ponyhoof is in Australia, Equestria. So YAY :D I LIVE IN EQUESTRIA SUCKERS!

Pinkie Pie is best poneh?
But I mean, so is Spitfire...
And Octavia..
And Cadance...
And Twilight...
Ok, let's categorize then!
Best ponies
Best pony: Pinkie
Best pegasus: Spitfire
Best earth pony (i do not quite believe that pinkie is an earth pony, she's her own species let's say): Octavia
Best unicorn (before she was princessified...>.>): Twilight
Best princess: Cadance :D

Ok, ok, now that that's sorted, let's move on to other things shall we?

Favorite movie: The little mermaid
Best movie: Tangled
Favorite princess(es): Ariel. and Anna. And Rapunzel. Aripunzanna.
Favorite prince: Eric...just like...take me in your arms and hold me forever will you?
Hottest disney guy: Eugene. That smolder. That face. That thief. He stole my heart.
Best Disney sidekick: Pascal. The way he controls Maximus and Eugene, haha xD
Best songs!: Part of your world, For the first time in forever, and when will my life begin :D and all the reprises. When will my life begin actually has two, who knew?
(I see some sort of pattern here...)

Comments ( 68 )
  • Viewing 64 - 68 of 68

I know lol it's been awhile

Your pic reminds me of melody and nimbus haha

I'm posting on your shit with the intent of social interaction. That is all.

1214060 Im good, how are you? :D

  • Viewing 64 - 68 of 68
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So apparently everyone is doing this now? · 10:08am Apr 11th, 2014

1. What's your name?
Call me Melody...but my IRL nickname is Wands
2. How old are you?
3. What country do you live in?
4. What do you look like?
Brown complexion, just past shoulder length wavy thin dark brown hair which is somehow really red in sunlight, dark brown eyes, curvy in all the wrong places, apparently adorable cheeks. I dunno.
5. Who do you wish you looked like?

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Report Wonderstruck · 499 views ·