• Member Since 3rd Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen May 19th

Legendary Emerald

Hello everyone, my name is Legendary Emerald. I'm a comedy writer who's got a preference for ponies, and I aim to entertain.

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Glowmelon edits · 6:13pm Nov 15th, 2014

Finally got around to addressing all/the majority of the comma problems in the fic that dealt with quoted dialogue and direct addresses. Could have sworn I already fixed those issues before, but oh well! The edits didn't take long to make, so I felt it was worth my time. Especially since I'll hopefully have the first chapter of the sequel out before the end of the year...

Report Legendary Emerald · 475 views ·
Comments ( 9 )
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Hello! Thank you so much for Faving my story Zenith! I hope that you'll enjoy seeing where Spike's journey takes him!:moustache:

Thanks for favoriting Celestia in Excelsis!:twilightsmile:

392312 You deserved it. :twilightsmile: As soon as I read the synopsis, I knew you had a winning idea on your hands. After reading the first chapter, I trust you to make the most out of it.

Thanks for the fav

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