• Member Since 3rd Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen May 19th, 2024

Legendary Emerald

Hello everyone, my name is Legendary Emerald. I'm a comedy writer who's got a preference for ponies, and I aim to entertain.


(As seen on EQD!)
Dramatic Reading by the Living Library Player Society: http://youtu.be/GxGm7vRQdo8

It's the day of the mysterious Glowmelon Festival and all of Ponyville is excited. But Twilight Sparkle is confused by the strange fruit that the forest animals bring in, and hearing that somepony or something named Glowmelina is behind the event only makes her even more curious. Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy decide to seek out the truth behind the festival, but perhaps not all mysteries are meant to be solved.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 37 )

This is so much fun to read. :pinkiehappy: Out of interest, did you wake up one morning and think; "Hmm, glowmelons. I'm going to write a story about these"? It's a wonderfully unusual concept.

Hah, I basically did wake up with the idea for glowmelons! Though when I first started the story they were just regular watermelons.But that was too boring of a concept to stick with, so I slept on it, and then came up with glowmelons.

I'm glad I gave you a bit of fun. :)

This was actually a really good and cute story. I really enjoyed it. And the Celestia bit at the end was rather amusing.

We need more stories like this! :coolphoto:

I would have given it a Normal tag instead of Slice-of-Life. It really is that much like a real episode.

How do I use the normal tag? That's what I wanted to go with as well, but "Normal" doesn't show up in the list of tags when I try to edit.

Also, glad you liked it. :)


Holy cats, you're right! There is no Normal tag here. It must have been something I saw on EQD or some other site. :derpytongue2:

What a great little story. I could easily see it being an episode, hehe. :twilightsmile:

I read the first chapter.

I am willing to read more. :coolphoto:

Finally, she tied a white cloth over her eyes, and poised a hoof over the melon. With a 'hiya!', she cleaved the Glowmelon in two.

That's a little uncalled for, considering it goes away from her basic personality, but this story is awesome other than that! :pinkiesmile:


Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. :pinkiehappy:

And that part is in their specifically because it isn't something you'd normally think of her doing. Because it was unexpected, I thought it was a funny thing to include. Sorry that joke didn't work for you, though.

Well, I'm a sugar obsessed spaz who eats Sweetarts in bed and jars of nutella (don't even get me started on Halloween), so don't take my word for it. :pinkiecrazy:
If you look at my profile, I added this to my featured favorites list!


Lol, I'm willing to trust the sugar obsessed part, considering it looks like this is at least your third attempt at posting a response to my previous comment. That or my notifications box and email account is just trolling me at the moment, which I wouldn't rule out. This site is weird sometimes. :derpytongue2:

Thanks for the favorite list add. I'm glad you were able to find this story even when it's some 500+ spots down the list. Knowing that people can still find and enjoy this story really makes me believe I did the right thing by spending over two months rewriting this.

I'be actually been going down the list of all stories that involve Fluttershy, so it took me a couple of days to get to this.
Also, it's actually my fault with the whole reply thing. My kindle fire is acting seriously weird.
Oh well. I shall cease to spam. :scootangel:

Celestia, i'd like to introduce you to the Glowmelon upside down cake:trollestia:
the best. cake. ever.


"Mmm, delicious!" :trollestia:

Also, thanks for the favorite add!

Now I'm wondering just where those things came from in the first place... Glowing melons and an invisible shed don't just appear from nowhere...

Ah, curiosity aside, nicely done. ^^

By any chance, will there be a sequel to explain just where those things came from?

And here I was thinking that the end would be Trollestia having created the glowmelon patch.

You're most indeedly welcome! it was worth a fave!:pinkiehappy:


Multiple people have expressed interest in a sequel now, so who knows? If I come up with a good enough idea, I might just give it a shot.

She rubbed her bleary eyes and read the digital numbers: 8:00 am.

Uh. Hmm. I find this sentence difficult to believe for three different reasons.

a.) Twilight has a digital alarm clock.
b.) Eight o' clock in the morning. That's not early for an essentially agrarian society. Granted, Twilight is the sort to stay up late.
c.) Twilight has a digital alarm clock. It could have just been a normal mechanical alarm clock. Or how about that one cuckoo clock? Look at Look Before You Sleep, at about 13:15. I think it appears a few more times in the show, but that's the simplest place to find it. Also you get this really adorable frustrated look on AJ on the left, so that's worth a visit.

It's not going to stop me from reading the rest (that would be weird), but it's just strange. It reminds me of the technological jumps that the writers make. Like how suddenly there was a hydroelectric dam and all that 1950s era construction scene in Mare Do Well. Keep in mind that pegasus ponies and power lines aren't going to peacefully coexist in the same place.


I guess I just wrote it as a digital clock because I thought it would be easier to describe. I didn't think much about the inclusion of technology specifically because the show jumps back and forth on that issue. Heck, in one episode, they even had a videogame arcade set up outside!

And yes, the only reason 8:00 seems early to Twilight is that she tends to stay up late studying. I didn't feel the need to expressly state that though. Maybe I should have but oh well, missed opportunities. At this point, I'd rather not edit the story anymore; it's published, and it would just feel weird to change anything now that a bunch of people have read it.

I'm glad the small issues you've had haven't completely put you off of the story. Hopefully you'll enjoy the rest of it.

Twilight Sparkle shook her head, dark indigo and pin-streaked mane swaying with the motion. She stretched her limbs, bending low to the floor. On her left flank there was an emblem of a 6 pointed pink star surrounded by 5 smaller white stars - her ''cutie-mark''.
:facehoof: Know your audience.


I wrote this story with the intent of showing it to people outside the pony fandom as well. Plenty of fanfiction authors take the time to describe the characters in their fanfics, and even if it isn't necessary, I don't think it hurts to do so. To me, it just makes the story feel more real, and less "fanfic-y".

I can name quite a few flaws with the story off the top of my head, but I wouldn't necessarily count that as one of them.

Comment posted by nemryn deleted Feb 15th, 2013
Comment posted by Legendary Emerald deleted Feb 15th, 2013

stay out of my invisible shed :flutterrage:


:rainbowlaugh: A bit surprised it's taken that long for someone to make that joke. Thanks for the favorite-add, btw. :twilightsmile:

And the Glowmelons turn out to be glowing because they absorb radium from the ground beneath the shed, which shot through a wormhole from the toxic waste dumps of central NJ. I know this, because I live there! :trollestia:

“I see.” Twilight responded calmly. She did a double take. “Wait, hot chocolate coffee? Do you have any idea how much caffeine would be in that? How often do you drink that stuff?”

“Tee-hee! All the time, of course!” Pinkie answered, taking out a thermos and sipping from its caffeinated contents. “Ahhh...”

“Well that certainly answers a lot of questions.”


“I see.” Twilight responded calmly. She did a double take. “Wait, hot chocolate coffee? Do you have any idea how much caffeine would be in that? How often do you drink that stuff?”

“Tee-hee! All the time, of course!” Pinkie answered, taking out a thermos and sipping from its caffeinated contents. “Ahhh...”

“Well that certainly answers a lot of questions.”


I hope Celestia doesn't make a Glowmelon cake.

6972474 It's a piece of cake to make a melon cake.

I've been meaning to read this for the last several years. Time to sit down and actually do it....on my next break.

Hope you enjoy it!

... Wow, this is the first time I've posted anything on this site in years.

It's a sign from the Gods! We must make a sacrifice of mint ice cream and chopped walnuts (because that tastes and smells better than burnt-to-a-crisp goats)!

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