Season Finale · 9:50am Feb 18th, 2013
Loved the music, although some of the lyrics were pretty bland and uninspired.
The rest was garbage. Stupid, disappointing, reeking of Hasbro's meddling to sell toys, etc. I don't even want to go into a full rant about it. I just don't want to think about it. Suffice to say it's going near the bottom of the barrel of episodes for me.
Not sure what to say, other than it was just really cute and enjoyable. ^w^
Thanks for the favorite on "Samhainophobia." Would you care to please tell me why you enjoyed it?
Thank YOU for writing that little delight!
Thanks for the fave on "The End of Flying Lessons"!
Thank you so much for the favorite! I have yet to come up with something clever to say about that.