• Member Since 12th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen Aug 2nd, 2015


Can you see the world like I do? Can you smile away the pain? Can you feel the cold wind blowing? Can you smell the coming rain?

Teh Lyst ov Al My Stuf

Comments ( 54 )
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What happened to this guy?

Comment posted by blake0831 deleted Aug 2nd, 2015


Just remember, darling it's 'down the road' not 'across the street'.

And make sure the blade is good and sharp; apparently it makes it less painful.

Sue? No but it seems that you like to troll just to troll so I'm removing myself from this so yea... see ya.


Still, it's awesome. And true.

  • Viewing 50 - 54 of 54
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The night sky is on fire. · 4:11am Jan 16th, 2015

The northern lights have made an appearance and done so in force. I've seen them the odd once in a while; a faint shimmering in the skay, but never like this.

The sky is literaly glowing.

The sky is filled with a series of almost neon-green bursts of light. They flash and waver and stutter like a flourescent bulb and I'm almost clapping my hands with joy.

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