• Member Since 12th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen Aug 2nd, 2015


Can you see the world like I do? Can you smile away the pain? Can you feel the cold wind blowing? Can you smell the coming rain?


The Princess of Equestria,
The Dayruler Celestia
Ruled the sun and the moon for untold years

She spent all this time on her own
Solitude being all she'd known
And then one night somepony new appears...

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 13 )

wow, this was better than expected, usually I don't read...I would call these chapters more of short poems that string together into a story? Maybe? But regardless, I usually don't read this type of story :twilightsheepish:


Yeah, they pretty much make up one big story: first part was long ago, second was the past third will be the present and will basically follow the plot of "The Elements of Harmony"


this is getting better and better... holy crap how come this story/poem/thing gets no love? it's awesome! :twilightblush::pinkiehappy:

holy. awesome. that is all. :rainbowkiss:

Original idea, unique poetic style, beautiful. Alright alright alriiiiiiight.

Just gotta say, love it. Though if I had to complain, too much originality, It's making my thinking processors short.:rainbowwild:


Pff. There's just no pleasing some people..."IT MADE ME THINK TOO MUCH! OOH, MY BRAIN HURTS!" :rainbowlaugh:

Once did a pony, who shone like the sun...

I'm unduly impressed you managed to get the whole bloody thing to rhyme and more or less scan (the rhythm was a bit tricky to work out, I'll be honest). I mean, the story's well enough known, but this was a pretty freakin' sweet way of doing it. Bravo.

Congratulations. This story has good enough grammar to be added to the Good Grammar Directory, a comprehensive directory of grammatically correct stories on FIMFiction.

I am very,, very impressed with this. I love poetry, and quite frankly, I love this...:heart:keep it up, you will far.

Comment posted by SuperGiantRobot deleted Mar 17th, 2015

Okay, I hate poetry with a burning passion. But I'm not loathesome enough to reject this story. It's different, but I think in a good way.

Decision is you know where.

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