• Member Since 26th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Sep 27th, 2015

Starlit Skies

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Chapter Four is on its Way! · 6:14pm May 21st, 2014

Finals have been a pain. But the next chapter of Rainbow Rises is finished and just needs to go through editing before I post it! This one is probably going to clock in at around 6.5K-7K and it is a good one if I do say so myself.

Hopefully it'll be up on Friday to celebrate the end of school for me and other people. Expect longer, better, and faster chapters this summer because I have no only a little bit of a life~

Comments ( 8 )
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Ooh, I'm really into myths and adventures so I have a feeling that I'll quite be enjoying your stories. Yay, more awesome fan fic to read! :pinkiehappy: (sorry, a book worm/pegasister has stumbled across your path of FIMFic stories)

1116607 Thanks! I like them too :P I'll be sure to add your story to my read later list :twilightsmile:

I like your stories. Hey want to check out my story Ace Combat: Divided Feelings?

Welcome to the Fallout Equestria Group! Feel free to PM me if you have any questions! :twilightsmile:

Oh, and thanks for the Fave of Every Little Bit, too. I'm glad that you enjoyed my little peek at the world of Dash and Spike.:twilightsmile:

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