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25 users follow Talia_Hoemke
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Imagine. you are alone by the beautiful Sana Monica bay. The seagulls give out a lonely cry, amidst the crashing of the waves upon the shore ahead. The day is beginning to set into a beautiful orange-red glow, when you feel a paw upon your shoulder, and a soft voice responds, "Do not fear... Rusty is here." You turn around to come face-to-face with a purple Yoshi-wolf Pegasus with a pink and red mane. Her kind red and blue eyes, one with a red scar show only kindness and compassion. "You are not alone.... not one bit." Surprised, you struggle to find the words to say. She envelops you into a sudden warm hug, and you absently note she is way softer than she appeared. Caught off guard, but unwilling to refuse a free hug, you hug back. You feel her purr as you wonder how to take this in.
Thank you very much for the Watch! I'll keep doing my best to deserve it!
Fair enough, welcome to the clan
1338806 I've seen you around the site before and love your sense of humor and personality.
Cheers for the watch. Might I ask how I earned it?