• Member Since 11th Nov, 2013
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I guess I should make a post. · 6:57pm Mar 8th, 2014

So, I'm actually writing a story. I have never written a story before, so it will probably not be great, but I will see what happens. I'm not even started with the actual chapters yet, but there's some outlining and stuff.

Report unknownbore · 426 views ·

Box of Words

Here is a box. I have put words in this box.

Comments ( 78 )
  • Viewing 59 - 78 of 78

Thanks for faving Hot Flashes! Keep sticking around, you won't wanna miss a moment of Vis.

Lemme know in the fic's comments just what drove you to it.

Thank you for favoriting Celestia Explains the Mirro Pool. I am glad you liked it!

Hey there! Thanks for the Fave on Time Enough For Three. I really appreciate it.

Thanks for the fav on making Piggy Pie a Mommy for Hearth's Warming! What did you like about it?

Thanks for the fave on "The Map's Sending Us Where?"

Thanks for the fav on Walk for Me :yay: I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Thank you for adding "Of Potions and Passions Untold" to your favorites.
I hope you continue to enjoy my writing.
Thanks for your support!

Thanks for favouriting Her Shining Star, I hope you enjoyed it! :pinkiehappy:

Thank you for adding my story, Unto Greener Pastures, to your favorites! :twilightblush:

Thanks for the fav I hope you enjoy my stories :pinkiehappy:

Thanks for adding DJ-P4NTL3SS to your library!

Thanks for the fave :3

Thanks for the Fav! I hope you enjoyed reading it!

Thanks for the favorite! :twilightsmile:

Thanks for adding Dancing in the Moonlight to your favorites!:twilightsmile:

Thank you for adding 'how I met my Bonnie' to your favourites :pinkiehappy:

Thanks for letting Up in the Air soar onto your bookshelf :rainbowdetermined2:
Even if sometimes things don't land where we want them to once everything settles :pinkiesad2:

Thanks for adding "Hidden Desires 2: A Shocking Discovery" to your favorites.

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