• Member Since 3rd Dec, 2014
  • offline last seen May 9th, 2021

Harmony Split

Love has no desire but to fulfill itself. To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night. To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving


For my old editors... and maybe new ones? · 10:42pm Jun 24th, 2020

I started writing a while ago again, but only today did I go directly to those stories I still need to finish.
I would like to get the old team back, so if you were one of my old editors, I would love for you to get in touch with me again.
Also, new hooves to help are highly appreciated. If you know my stories, especially my Lunar Tales series by hearth, please raise a hoof.

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Report Harmony Split · 510 views · #Help #editors

Yeah I'm still alive · 12:14pm May 6th, 2020

Hi there.

A lot of you wondered if I'm still alive and stuff like that.
Yeah, some of you noticed that I'm still semi-active here.
What I do atm, is just browsing here after my work and keep contact with old friends.
My personal life is too much of a hassle atm, to be even able to write on a small basis. That's just how it is.
I never really stopped all of the stories, wrote a bit on Easter there and there, but please don't expect a chapter before summer for either story.

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Report Harmony Split · 396 views ·

Looking for Angels · 12:11pm May 8th, 2018

Going through this life, looking for Angels
Ponies passing by, looking for Angels
Walking down the streets, looking for Angels
Every single being, looking for Angels.

Are you looking for Angels?

Report Harmony Split · 515 views · #Lyrics #Skillet

The Future of Broken Horn, Broken Heart · 5:11pm Mar 30th, 2018

As you all know Hasbro stopped evolving Tempest her story.
The only thing coming out are a few comics, but they confirmed that Tempest won't have a appearance in S8, nor are there any later planned.
I know that highly Professional actors are expensive, but I would've been fine with another voice as long as Tempest would show up.

This annoys me greatly and I decided, instead of running it as a side-project, 'Broken Horn, Broken Heart' WILL be my main story.

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New Story!! · 10:55pm Mar 28th, 2018

Somepony once said, that you can reach anything if you try hard enough. Anything? If you ask me, that was the joke of the century. You get nothing for free by just trying, everything comes with a price. Sometimes a small one. Sometimes with death. My name is Ruby, let me tell you a story...

Anypony of you know the book "Asphalt Tribe"?
If yes, you will be interested!

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It's been a while · 4:49pm Mar 28th, 2018

Yep, over a year, actually.
This story made my head ache so much sometimes, I was about to scrap it...
This story made me cry sometimes about the past that I wanted to scrap it...
But, here it is.
This doesn't mean frequent updates, mind you.
I write this alone with two editors and one adviser, and I do it when I get the mood to do it.
My own stories will still take priority, as will my RL, of course.

Here you are, reading me ranting about a story that is great, but hurts inside.

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Report Harmony Split · 651 views ·

I'm mostly at my end · 1:16am Mar 19th, 2018

Well, I guess the title says all.
Over the last few weeks, writing was a strain on my nerves.
Not only because of some PM I received, but also because of some recent comments.

I used to write what I like, but more and more it seems like I'm alone with that.
My Preening and Lyric groups are dead, my co-writer and editors mostly dying out.

That I'm not running fine in RL only adds on top of that. Bills without end, a few times of bad luck and a horrible love-live does that to you.

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Report Harmony Split · 657 views ·

Eurofurence 24 · 9:50pm Jan 20th, 2018

Yes, you can find me on this years Eurofurence.
If you want to meet me or hang out, just gimme a shout!

Would love to get to know some new people!

Report Harmony Split · 324 views · #EF

Plans for Broken Horn, Broken Heart · 1:06pm Jan 19th, 2018

Quite a few of you asked why this is taking so long and what my plans are.

Well, you know RL, also known as Real Life, right?
I have things to do! I work, pay my bills, need time to relax just like every other living being.
I can't just write 8 hours a day, pushing chapter after chapter.
So please, for Luna's sake, be patient!

As for my plans..

Right now the rough sketch is 21 chapters and a total of around 50 to 70k words.
That might lessen or lengthen if I feel like it.

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Report Harmony Split · 338 views · #Update #Plans #Tempest

OMG, creativity burst · 6:20am Dec 8th, 2017

I have no idea why, but this week was a sanctum of creativity for me.
It has been many many months (I think nearly two years) since I wrote that much in a work week.
11000 words.

What does that mean?
You can expect various updates next week!

And to (not) torture you further, you can expect a brand new chapter of Lessons in the Moonlight.
After over a year I can finally present another chapter.

I hope you are as excited as I am!

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