• Member Since 3rd Dec, 2014
  • offline last seen May 9th, 2021

Harmony Split

Love has no desire but to fulfill itself. To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night. To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving

More Blog Posts177

  • 227 weeks
    For my old editors... and maybe new ones?

    I started writing a while ago again, but only today did I go directly to those stories I still need to finish.
    I would like to get the old team back, so if you were one of my old editors, I would love for you to get in touch with me again.
    Also, new hooves to help are highly appreciated. If you know my stories, especially my Lunar Tales series by hearth, please raise a hoof.

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    4 comments · 515 views
  • 234 weeks
    Yeah I'm still alive

    Hi there.

    A lot of you wondered if I'm still alive and stuff like that.
    Yeah, some of you noticed that I'm still semi-active here.
    What I do atm, is just browsing here after my work and keep contact with old friends.
    My personal life is too much of a hassle atm, to be even able to write on a small basis. That's just how it is.

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    4 comments · 401 views
  • 338 weeks
    Looking for Angels

    Going through this life, looking for Angels
    Ponies passing by, looking for Angels
    Walking down the streets, looking for Angels

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    3 comments · 519 views
  • 344 weeks
    The Future of Broken Horn, Broken Heart

    As you all know Hasbro stopped evolving Tempest her story.
    The only thing coming out are a few comics, but they confirmed that Tempest won't have a appearance in S8, nor are there any later planned.
    I know that highly Professional actors are expensive, but I would've been fine with another voice as long as Tempest would show up.

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    2 comments · 683 views
  • 344 weeks
    New Story!!

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    8 comments · 603 views

Yeah I'm still alive · 12:14pm May 6th, 2020

Hi there.

A lot of you wondered if I'm still alive and stuff like that.
Yeah, some of you noticed that I'm still semi-active here.
What I do atm, is just browsing here after my work and keep contact with old friends.
My personal life is too much of a hassle atm, to be even able to write on a small basis. That's just how it is.
I never really stopped all of the stories, wrote a bit on Easter there and there, but please don't expect a chapter before summer for either story.
Please also refrain from spamming the same message over and over again.
If I got news or there will be a new chapter, you'll know it.

All the best to you during these difficult times and stay safe.

Report Harmony Split · 401 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

I have one question about a story that i just want to know if it's dead or not. I know you're busy and work on your other stories, but is Beyond the Looking Glass still alive.


It is, but I find it hard to write much.
By now, all the old cowriters completely turned away from writing or the pony-fandom,
so I'm the only one writing/expanding and editing it.



Thank you for letting me know. I wish you well on your writing endeavors.

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