• Member Since 1st Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen Jan 5th, 2023


Hi! I'm MintyJoy, a writer of fluff and happiness, but I'm not afraid to pull at the heartstrings. If you plan to read the words I paint, be prepared for the feels. My favorite pony is Rainbow Dash!

My Stories!


Returning, With a Change of Heart · 1:36am Feb 21st, 2020

Hello, any readers who stumble upon this:

It has been so long, I'm not exactly sure what to say... but I finished the final episode of Friendship is Magic and I felt inspired for the first time in years to come back here. So here goes...

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The Very Best

Comments ( 19 )
  • Viewing 15 - 19 of 19

2016198 Umm, I'm not sure. It's not ringing a bell right away. You can PM me and maybe I'll remember.

1857377 I don't know. :derpytongue2:

  • Viewing 15 - 19 of 19
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