Cuteness is an Issue... · 12:06am Sep 20th, 2014
...especially when you're trying to figure out who's the cutest! Can you help me? Who is cutest to you? Personally, besides me, I think the cutest one is RD.
Twilight Sparkle: 0
Applejack: 0
Pinkie Pie: 0
Fluttershy: 0
Rarity: 0
Rainbow Dash: 2
Princess Celestia: 0
Princess Luna: 0
Princess Cadance: 0
Sweetie Belle: 0
Apple Bloom: 0
Diamond Tiara: 0
Silver Spoon: 0
Coco Pommel: 0
Adagio Dazzle: 0
Aria Blaze: 0
Sonata Dusk: 1
Sunset Shimmer: 0
1584879 Um I dunno! Impastas!
There's you... and then there's the other one... Why are there two of you?! WHY ARE THERE TWO OF ME?!
1550867 Hi there
1518097 Lolz
1515889 I actually had no mane as a Siren so it sorta just grew into that style when I turned into a person. Don't ask why. Alternate dimensions are so mysterious...
1502576 Hi! How are you today?
Will the real Sonata Dusk please stand up, please stand up!
1369872 And thanks for the fav!

That makes you x2 as awesome!
1369190 your welcome
Thanks for the follow!