• Member Since 19th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


The unicorn sat with his little filly by the fireplace and opened the book once more. "Let's see what happens next!"

More Blog Posts89

  • 38 weeks
    Black Feather Project Update

    The last month has been pretty crazy. My dog got a massive bladder infection and I had to spend $2000 on vet bills to get an ultrasound and all the nonsense that goes with that, all to get a prescription for $30 worth of medicine to fix the situation. Been kinda busy with that as well as upcoming holiday planning, etc.

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    3 comments · 207 views
  • 41 weeks
    One more rewritten chapter

    Hey everyone.

    Well, that last chapter took 3 weeks of hard work, mostly design, but nobody has commented on it so I can't tell how anyone feels about the story so far. I'm hoping people can share their thoughts because it helps me to know how the story is being received.

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    5 comments · 161 views
  • 44 weeks
    Some great design work

    Greetings, Black Feather fans!

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    3 comments · 175 views
  • 46 weeks
    More new characters

    I've recently finished a scene where Dinky gets to know one of the platoon members. I find Dinky's POV to be fascinating to write, though all the Dinky POV scenes will be brand new content (for you old fans out there) because Dinky wasn't previously written into this part of the story. She's a fun character to see the world through. Innocent and naïve, happily venturing into things that

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    1 comments · 135 views
  • 48 weeks
    Sergeant A.Pone

    Alright, it's time for a shift of tone.

    I had a pretty long chat with Duvet yesterday, and we decided that chapter eleven really does need a thorough rework from the 2018 version. This is the last of what I'd call my "weak writing". Chapters 12-21 are pretty much perfect, so if I can fix 11, this is going to mean great things for the story.

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    3 comments · 117 views

Black Feather Project Update · 9:12am Dec 21st, 2023

The last month has been pretty crazy. My dog got a massive bladder infection and I had to spend $2000 on vet bills to get an ultrasound and all the nonsense that goes with that, all to get a prescription for $30 worth of medicine to fix the situation. Been kinda busy with that as well as upcoming holiday planning, etc.

There's also been a load of comments in Black Feather where I had a fire to put out. Things are fine now, but it was really annoying, discouraging, and time consuming for a week or so there.

Others have shown up in the opposite context, proving that people still continue to enjoy the story.

Additionally, I've been talking with one of our Flurry in Time editors about Black Feather and trying to work out the style differences between the older content and the new stuff I've been writing. Apparently, he likes the new stuff way more than the old, but peculiar tastes have led to long conversations about what constitutes good style.

Then there has been some interest in Equinox story content, so I've been talking with people about that lately, which has resulted in me wishing I was working on that rather than writing ponyfic on fimfiction.

This has led to me examining the web-publishing platform Royal Road where I plan on publishing Equinox stories. I've been getting to know some of the people there and asking a lot of questions about how publishing works there. Evidently, it's a lot different than it is here on fimfiction.

So I've been torn between writing MLP-Black Feather and wanting to write my Equinox stories. Then... just two days ago, I got an idea.

I've been planning on rewriting a conversion of Black Feather one day in the Equinox format. But conversions are time consuming and tedious because it's not really writing as much as it's just grinding through an existing story trying to figure out how to make it work in an entirely different universe. And I really don't want to wait until MLP-BF is finished before I can even spend time in Equinox.

Solution?? Write them in parallel!

So now, I will be writing chapters of Black Feather in the Equinox format and simultaneously converting them to the MLP format for publishing here. I'll then save the Equinox version in Scrivener where it will build up a big backlog. Then, when MLP-BF is finally finished, I'll actually have Equinox-BF done at the same time! Win win!

This does mean it will take a bit longer to publish chapters, but it will absolutely keep me from burning out or resenting the fimfic project. It's really important that I do this so that I can actually finish both versions.

Anyway, that's what I've been up to this month. I hope you all have a very merry Christmas!

Report Recon777 · 207 views · Story: Black Feather ·
Comments ( 3 )

I will definetly read the stories set in Equinox once you publish them. Good luck in writing.

Merry Christmas to you as well.

Merry Christmas to you too.

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