• Member Since 5th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen March 7th


Fav pony Luna, likes Star Trek, Halo, Mass Effect, and Doctor Who.


A sequel? · 12:39am Aug 10th, 2014

I was wondering if you guys, my followers and readers want a sequel to Winning a Nightmare's favor or not. All I want you guys to do is to vote Yah or Nah on if you want a clopshot or a short chapter story.

Report Dieser117 · 401 views · Story: Winning a Nightmare's favor. ·
Comments ( 50 )
  • Viewing 41 - 50 of 50

Thanks for the fav on Stat trek Equestria rising

Thanks for the favs

Thank you for favoring Tales of a Displaced Eco freak.

Thank you for adding Off Course to your favorites
Also i would like to vote yah on the sequel.

2035116 well, I am working on the last chapter of the sequel, then I start on the last installment to finish the trilogy.

Also! Don't forget to up vote!

I mean, if you want too... :fluttershysad:

2035114 I can't resist a well written Star Trek crossover story.

Thank you for the favorite on "You Can't Go Home Again"!

I hope you like it's sequel!

Thanks for the fave on Return to Ponyville! I hope you like the rest of the stories in the 'Ardiverse' series too.

Thanks for the fav! What did you like about the story?

Thank you for the favorite on Angel of Gold! I hope you enjoy the adventure.

  • Viewing 41 - 50 of 50
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