Introduction · 4:04pm Jan 29th, 2014
I have some ideas what I can do for my first fanfiction,The Changeling's Way. I 'm trying to come up with a plan to work on it for the past week. i will probably work on the chapters and work on what needs to be done when im not working on the fanfic and do my best to post soem of the chapters every other Friday/Saturday
1467869 I'm glad to hear that my dear. I do not have any intention about changing it in the near future.
1467379 I will indeed Miss Belle I highly like your style of writing.
I thank you kindly for the fave of Diamonds are a girl's worst enemy my dear. May you enjoy the chapters to come.
Thanks I probably won't be updating this weekend due to being at Bronycon for Saturday, but at the latest I'll have something new up the following weekend
1308720 Not a problem I like your work. Keep it up.