• Member Since 26th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 12th, 2013

June Silver


Oh goodness, another small break... · 11:18pm May 17th, 2013

Finals are coming up and I won't have enough time to put up the next chapter of Pick an Apple in a Thorn Bush. I will, however, try to the best of my ability to update it as soon as I can which will probably the first week of June. :C

Report June Silver · 353 views ·

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Comments ( 13 )
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Random comment. You like comments, right?

:pinkiegasp: You noticed! Oh yes! A whovian! Ah, you're so awesome! :yay:

You too!
btw is that a fez on your head in the picture?

Fezes are cool, so are bow ties.

Bow ties, fezes, and stetsons are all cool.
So are sonic screwdrivers and blue boxes that are bigger on the inside.

Oh, it's my pleasure! You've got a great story, I really enjoyed it and can't wait for more. Keep being amazing, you!:yay:

Oh and by the way, thanks for adding Discord Writes a Ship Fic to your favorites section! I hope you have enjoyed the story so far, and will stick around for the rest! :pinkiehappy:
Sincerely, P.Q.

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