
Viewing 1 - 20 of 234 results

Sorry, late post! Blog post 5 · 3:31pm Nov 1st, 2016

Backstory! it won't be posted, and most-likely, the chapters are doing well, almost a google doc page, for chapter two.

the chapters will not just be nimbered with greek alphabets in order, no, it will also be named.

a symbol key!

here it is! can you guess what they mean? (probably not)

{==}Transition Key{==}

[---\---/---] D

Mmm___mmm M

-+=={+_+}==+- H

Report Woodrow Wilson · 207 views · #UtM

Back In Business! · 8:59pm Nov 18th, 2016

iI have just returned to The Industrialist, but Upon the Meadows is still halfway through chapter 2

It's hard to keep up with school and writing at the same time, I was busy with school for the time I was offline.

So back to work for me!

also, The industrialist is expecting a possible name change and a new chapter.

Look into that one, would ya?

It's good.

That was a major work for me and Author Genesis.

Report Woodrow Wilson · 293 views · #UtM #School

Time For Instant messaging Questions! · 5:58pm Nov 3rd, 2016

The times are random, but will mostlikely be from 7:06 A.m. EST to 7:23 P.M. EST.

this is the page that I'll be speaking on.\\

put this in your address bar:

Talk to me Via thus website!
Definite due date is either christmas or thanksgiving.

Thank you for reading!
I appreciate it!


Looking ahead for Unleash the Magic - Nightmare Night... · 4:17pm May 16th, 2018

Part 8 was a good chapter and a good release, and I thank everyone who commented or came on board for the story. :eeyup:

In the author's notes at the end of the chapter, I asked if folks were interested in seeing what happens to the CMC, which may be too close to foalcon for some readers. I don't personally consider it as such because they're adolescents by now and no stranger to sex in this story, but they are still quite underage, which remains a no-no for some.

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New chap is done! · 7:40pm Oct 28th, 2016

Chapter Alpha is done! 1/24 Chapters for this story.

We need to keep working o spreading the hype. This is a whole new thing, completely new, original, and branded, possibly never done betore.

You'll know how it's a very original idea, once you read it.

It's good.


Spread the story hype to, friends, family, people you don't even know, anyone!

I still need coverart.


narrowing down the time of release: 1 · 4:10pm Nov 7th, 2016

I have been working on a different release time, other than christmas, like a couple days before, or around the beginning of the month of december.

Let me know, if you waant to know just a little bit more.


Nightmare Night chapter 10 on track and earmarked for release this weekend... · 3:51pm Oct 16th, 2018

Now that my pain has subsided most of the way, I can focus again--thank you for the well-wishes, everyone who offered them! The current chapter stands at 4500 words with two completed sections, and will probably be around 6500 words when all is said and done. Best guess right now is a Sunday release, but it could be sooner depending how quickly I finish and prereaders complete their review. Have a

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Nightmare Night - Part 11 update... · 7:43pm Oct 26th, 2018

The next Unleash the Magic - Nightmare Night chapter is well underway and, as promised, on track for a Halloween release. It currently stands at around 4100 words and is likely to be upwards of 7k or better before all is said and done. No preview this time, as reading over it now, I don't see much I could just pull out for a teaser, and I think this is one time I'd rather everyone come in cold anyway.

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Nightmare Night paused, Into the Storm up next · 6:47pm Apr 9th, 2018

Up until now, I'd been thinking I'd continue working on Unleash the Magic - Nightmare Night following this weekend's release, but unfortunately, I find I need a break from writing M-rated stories for a bit.

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Prereader verdict on new Midnight Rising chapter is in... · 2:33pm April 15th

And unfortunately, that verdict is unanimous:

Complaints were: too meta, hard to follow, does nothing to advance the plot, and potentially makes things worse while trying to fix them.

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Nightmare Night Chapter 32 · 5:49pm Sep 21st, 2020

I've currently got 5000 words written with at least a couple thousand more to add; I will aim to have it ready by the weekend for a Sunday launch or sooner. Slight change in plans to chapter content, however.

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Possible Nightmare Night Side Story · 4:33pm Feb 21st, 2020

And another question for readers for it.

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Next Nightmare Night chapter will launch later today or Sunday · 1:23pm Nov 24th, 2018

Just waiting for one final preread. It’s a shorter chapter, and for a change, it will only include a single extended scene--not the Thunderlane sequence (sadly), but Cloud Kicker/Nymphaea, which I decided after all that build-up and the length it was becoming needed to have its own chapter. So watch and read along as Blossomforth-turned-Nymphaea finally realizes her heart’s desire! It’s 4500 words long and has been well-received so far. And don’t worry--I’ll give the same extended treatment to

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Nightmare Night Part 17 - Update and Teaser · 6:14pm Jul 17th, 2019

Work has proceeded apace on the next Nightmare Night chapter ever since the last one was released, and the next one now stands unfinished at a whopping 12k words with still more to be written.

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Nightmare Night chapter 16 underway... · 6:08pm Jun 11th, 2019

Three out of four/possibly five sections and 4200 words are already written; 7500 words seems the most likely total at this point. I'm aiming for a weekend release with Sunday being the most likely day. Sorry to take so long on this one, but work has been a diamond dog mother and then I was on vacation to Las Vegas for a couple weeks. How was it? Weather was spectacular, cool and even a bit rainy at times with the desert in full bloom. Unfortunately, I suffered a drought at the poker tables and

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To everyone who's been wondering where I am... · 6:11pm Oct 9th, 2018

I'm around, but in pain.

Last Friday, I had a minor medical procedure called Radiofrequency Ablation--basically involving microwaving the back of my tongue under partial sedation. The purpose of it is to cause the internal tissues of the tongue to tighten by basically roasting them, helping to open the airway--I'm still suffering a bit of obstructive sleep apnea even after the jaw advancement surgery I had a couple years ago.

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200 likes for Unleash the Magic: Nightmare Night! · 7:28pm Mar 15th, 2019

As a reward to readers for reaching that milestone, I will be doing a new chapter for Nightmare Night as soon as I’m done with the next Firefly chapter. And I will also allow folks to vote on which they’d like to see next:

  1. The Zecora/CMC scene
  2. Finish off the Spike scene
  3. Starlight & Trixie vs Timberannie

The choice is yours, folks. Register your vote in the comments. Thank you for following this story!


Nightmare Night Chapter 13 launches this weekend · 4:53pm Dec 14th, 2018

it will launch no later than Sunday, or sooner if I get prereads back in time.

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Unleash the Magic - Nightmare Night will resume production mid-September · 7:00pm Aug 30th, 2019

But before that, I've decided that the last chapter was in fact too long and I'll thus be splitting it in half. Unfortunately, I can't do that without posting a new chapter even though it's not new content, so you will see that happen within the next few days. There'll be some tweaks, perhaps, but nothing too major will be changed with it as for the most part, I was quite happy with it. In hindsight, I should have broken it in two at the start and released the two chapters a week apart. 16k is

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Moving right along... · 6:35pm Jul 9th, 2019

I'm pleased to report a successful Nightmare Night chapter release that included a visit to the feature list! Welcome new readers, and thanks, everyone who commented! I admit I had some trepidation on publishing this one for the subject matter, but it seems to have worked out quite well.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 234 results