
Viewing 1 - 20 of 398 results

Annual Free-For-All Story Idea Voting! Last Chance! · 8:45am Jan 1st, 2017

I'm doing a one-a-year event where anyone can vote on which story I'll do next, details here.

The important part is, voting ends today, Jan 1st! If you want to help decide which 3 stories I'll write before the end of April, you need to vote today!

Thank you to everyone who's already participated, and good luck in getting the stories you wanted to win!


I want you to vote. · 5:39am Feb 9th, 2021

I keep this short. What would you like to see next from me?

Report darkwalker787 · 191 views · #poll #Vote #voting

I just voted! · 7:19pm Nov 6th, 2018

And you should too!

Shipping Labels blog post coming a bit later than usual, as I'm finally watching the season 8 episodes. A lot of the stress I felt about watching them is gone, honestly, and I'm not quite sure why. I'm not going to complain, though.

But it'll come! Just bear with me for a day or two.

And while you're waiting, go vote! Seriously! Exercise your right to participate in the democratic process!


Vacation + Sneak Peek · 3:43pm Aug 19th, 2017

So, I'll be off to Croatia with my family in a couple of hours. We'll be leaving at 2 am and we'll stay for 10 days. The internet connection is kinda shit, so I won't get much writing done, so I'll give you what I've got so far. By the way, I changed the rating of the story. Think about what that implies.

EDIT: I want you to vote, which Pokémon Twilight should use next. Alakazam or Metagross. It's up to you, because I for one have no clue which I should use. It goes until we're back.

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Report Silver Screen · 339 views · #vote

I'm Spilt · 12:08am Jan 6th, 2020

Okay, so I've been working on 2 stories I plan on posting, but I don't know which one to focus on first. I decided who better to decide than the people that read my stuff, so I'll describe them, and if you have one that seems more interesting, I will have a voting comment for you guys to vote on, if you want to.

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Report RandomChance · 371 views · #Voting

New Story vote · 3:06pm Sep 6th, 2019

Hey, I'm almost finished writing the last chapter of Oddworld, and im planning on starting a new story. Please vote in the comments to let me see what you all want to see first.
1) A recreation of the story The Violet Strike, Spike by DreamyBlaze.
2) A Max Steel crossover
3) A M*A*S*H story with the Main 6 as the main cast
4) Spike as the leader of a biker gang
5) My first ever attempt at writing for this site Burning Bridges.

Report TAD2 · 300 views · #vote

Vote! · 7:49pm Jun 19th, 2015

Vote for which story I should make next! Link is down below:

Voting ends on June 24! After then, you will still be able to vote, I just won't count your vote.

Report Stardom Freedom · 340 views · #Vote!

Vote · 7:17pm Nov 7th, 2016

I care not who you support, but please. If you are an American citizen over the age of eighteen vote. This may be the most important one in recent time.

Report Foals Errand · 582 views · #vote

Let me know what you want to see · 10:20pm Dec 3rd, 2019

Hey guys, this is just to vote for what Chrysalis, Zecora, and Red Heart will be wearing the night of the foursome. They don't all have to wear the same thing, but don't make it obvious, no Red Heart as a doctor/ nurse, let me see some creativity. Also, no BDSM getups.

Vote will close 1pm on 12/5/19 USA central time.

Report TAD2 · 333 views · #Vote

Vote Resultes · 7:31pm Oct 29th, 2021

In last place, we have - Guess this is happening - with a total vote count of 0. Guess yall ain't all that interested in this one, maybe it'll have better luck in December.

In third place, we have - Spike Pie: Scrapbook of Memories and Spike Pie Season 2 - with a total vote count of One. Glad to see at least one person likes this story as much as I do. Maybe it'll have better luck in December.

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Report Silver Butcher · 330 views · #Vote

Vote on a name. · 9:56pm May 10th, 2021

I hate naming things, so I decided to give my followers a chance to name a character in my current big project. (Like I only have one.)

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Report My name is R · 228 views · #Vote

Annual Free-For-All Story Idea Voting! Last Chance! · 8:44am Jan 1st, 2017

I'm doing a one-a-year event where anyone can vote on which story I'll do next, details here.

The important part is, voting ends today, Jan 1st! If you want to help decide which 3 stories I'll write before the end of April, you need to vote today!

Thank you to everyone who's already participated, and good luck in getting the stories you wanted to win!


The next story updated will be... · 12:58am May 24th, 2018

Mother! attempts to feign surprise...fails Yes, that is right a new chapter of Mother is coming sometime this weekish. Please don't abandon me now writing muse!

After Mother the Update schedule looks like this.

Phoenix Rising

Tiny Twilight Tales Perhaps a sequel to slumber Party?

What is God Was One Of Us?

Twilight Of The Damned Twilight's birth Yay!

It Must Be Tuesday Find lost notes...

The Twilight Of Her Singularity

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It's Election Day! · 1:14pm Nov 6th, 2018

Remember, today is the day when you get to help determine the direction of our country. If you're reading this, and you can't vote by reason of age or not being an American citizen, I ask that you try to remind everyone you know who can vote about the importance of today. If you don't think you can get to the polls on time by reason of living too far away, or not having access to a car, I suggest looking into getting a Lyft or an Uber. They're offering free or reduced prices on trips to

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Report Sixes_And_Sevens · 310 views · #vote

You can have one now and the other four at a later point in time! (Over) · 8:31am Aug 27th, 2019

More Riddle me this - 7

More A Song for you - 6

More Where We Belong - 2

a 4th Drunk Love Story (this story doesn't yet exist so you don't get a link) - 0

More Hug Chug - 0

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Report Silver Butcher · 456 views · #Vote

Spike’s foursome · 4:38pm Nov 17th, 2019

Ok the votes are in and the winner is RedHeart, I’ll get to the chapter sooner or later this year so please be patience.

Report TAD2 · 252 views · #Vote

Maybe I should only work on one alternate universe · 11:32pm Sep 19th, 2023

So let’s have a vote

There’s Which will focus on three side characters. But I messed up and chose Misty as one of the three, despite her not being a side character anymore. So I have to replace her because it feels weird now\

The timeline is simple. To make things simple, it follows only MYM’s canon and not the games, comics or TYT. No hate against them


Continuation of “Stardust”

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Report Lulamoon-Crystal · 94 views · #Vote

Your votes · 12:58pm May 28th, 2018

To The Game Players fans who might be confuse why the last chapter shown the other members of the Game Players. I might of left out some details about them but I'll give some Instant Dungeons that the other are in; they're all in combine I.D.s.

Large Harvest and Tough Exo are in a Insect/Giant I.D.

High I.Q. and Death Alchemist are in a Mineral/Robotic I.D.

Sharp Shooter and Sweet Tunes are in a Sea/Hybrid I.D.

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Report GamePlayer64 · 377 views · #Votes

Let me know what you want to see · 3:40pm Dec 4th, 2019

Hey guys, this is just to vote for what Chrysalis, Zecora, and Red Heart will be wearing the night of the foursome. They don't all have to wear the same thing, but don't make it obvious, no Red Heart as a doctor/ nurse, let me see some creativity. Also, no BDSM getups.

Vote will close 1pm on 12/5/19 USA central time.
I have notes the past votes. Just an update to get more votes.

Report TAD2 · 284 views · #Vote

Spike’s foursome · 8:55pm Nov 12th, 2019

Ok people, I’m going to be real for a moment, Spike is a player, with a great girl on one side, a horny bitch that loves to tease on the other. But it’s time for the next love to join. We have three choices.

1) Doctor Red Heart-2
2) Fleur-3
3) SS who is Sassy Saddles.
I want to know who you want to get with Spike next. Post in the comments. I will update this page every day or so for a week and by the end the winner will be decided.

Report TAD2 · 262 views · #Vote
Viewing 1 - 20 of 398 results