
Viewing 1 - 20 of 617 results

Welp · 8:51pm Aug 3rd, 2015

Considering I'm online, you can say I survived school.

Report Stardom Freedom · 338 views · #School

School · 4:59pm Aug 23rd, 2015

I live in North Carolina, which means that school starts on Tuesday for me. This means that I will have actual stuff to do all day, which means I can't spend it writing. This likely means that my loose-weekly updating schedule will be pumped up to a week and a half, two weeks. I mean, it's not like I update regularly, anyway, but now it's going to be slightly more irregular.

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Report chillbook1 · 452 views · #School

School · 10:17pm Sep 2nd, 2018

Alright Spike, Time to go back to school.

No, I don't wanna!

Come on, Spike! Don't act like a child! I love school!


Think about all the parties that the School organize!

I'm never invited!

Think about the uniforms!

I set fire to the last one I wore!

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Update blog · 12:16pm Jan 18th, 2021

Hey everyone, I'm sure you've been wondering what has happened to me and my story.

It's a simple reason really. School.

The last few days I've been bogged down with schoolwork, and I only managed to get in 500 words worth of writing on the weekend because I was so distracted.

I promise I'm working on getting more chapters out, but it'll take a while. It might come out next week, or it might come out next month. I'm sorry, but I really need to concentrate on school before writing.

Report iAmSiNnEr · 428 views · #school

[no title] · 5:48pm May 30th, 2017

Ugh school. That is all I need to say...

Report Pepper Blitz · 304 views · #school

sup · 7:04pm Oct 26th, 2015

So yeah …. i’m back in school and so that means I wouldn’t be on as much as I want to be .:applejackunsure:

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Report Elie evergreen · 322 views · #School

Why is this post so dramatic? · 4:31am Aug 24th, 2015

Well, school for me is going to start in about eight or so hours. My internal sleeping schedule is already fucked up beyond hell so I'm going to be a pissy brat when I wake up. More so than usual. My freedom in summer has been a fun time, improving my art and writing well. Even meeting new people, that I will test with my perverted brain, to see if they will giggle in unison with me as their nose bleeds or flee.

It has been an honor fucking with you all.

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Report Eclipse LunarSol · 327 views · #school

[no title] · 6:18pm Oct 1st, 2015

Just gotten back from work. Going to read a bit before reading my textbook ( you know for school). And maybe make a cup of tea before i start reading/stu(dying) :3

Report MegAnimefreakx3 · 298 views · #school

School Announcement. · 5:57pm Aug 21st, 2016

Hello everyone Mesiagamer here and well I've put this off long enough I officially start school this Thursday and well we all know what that means. I'm going to shift my focus to that and well my stories are going on the back burner. This won't be the end of it but still I need to focus on other things. I'll do what I can on here but again. college is well college.

Enjoy the art in life my friends this is Mesiagamer Logging off.

Report Mesiagamer · 464 views · #School

Going back to school tomorrow · 5:56am Sep 21st, 2015

It's just what it says in the title. School's starting up again tomorrow, so I don't know how much time I'm going to have to read/write stories and interact with the community like I have been. I'm still going to the writer's workshop, so the odds are pretty good that I'll still put out something, but be prepared in the case that I go silent for a while.

Report Talguy21 · 237 views · #school

I must be crazy... College · 7:36pm Dec 31st, 2015

So, I'm going back to college for a semester. First things first: Will this affect my writing schedule of Feather Steel and other stuff? Survey says... probably not, no. If anything, keeping busy on a set schedule will motivate me to spend my time a bit better and, hopefully, new chapters will come out more frequently. I had quit college because the final class I needed to gradate with an AA Degree ended up being too difficult to pass and, at the time, I was so burnt out of it that i just

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Report Cold Spike · 253 views · #School

Help! My Heart is Full of Pony! - Learning · 3:31am Jan 29th, 2021

School Daze marked a fundamental shift in the show for myriad reasons, and not just the obvious ones.

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I'll get back into writing soon. · 2:28am Aug 21st, 2017

As I've said in previous blogs, school's starting back up, and at the moment, I'm pretty busy. Once things settle down maybe a week or so in, then I'll start publishing again. As for now, I've got a placeholder fic on my alt for the first comedy fic that I'll likely be writing in quite a while...


Lives were lost in another school shooting · 12:20am May 26th, 2022

It took place in Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. I can't believe this is Sandy Hook all over again. The kids who have so much potential don't deserve to have their lives taken away. I'm filled with so much rage that gun control in the US hasn't been resolved to this day. This violent attack perpetrated by that monster is insane and inhumane.

Rest In Peace to:

  • Uziyah Garcia, 9
  • Xavier Javier Lopez, 10
  • Jose Flores, 10
  • Miranda Mathis, 11
  • Eva Mireles, 44

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Graduating High School · 2:04am May 22nd, 2018

I have finished high school school.




My thoughts on "School Daze" · 9:50pm Mar 26th, 2018

Glad to see MLP returning, and boy, There's definitely new territory to explore.

And it's official, the movie is canonized. Glad to know. I'm really curious on what Tempest and that annoying hedgehog are gonna look like in the show.

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Report Godiswithus3 · 313 views · #School daze

WHY · 1:01am Nov 3rd, 2016

So y'know that virus I blogged about yesterday... it was a flu. I'm missing too much if school. I hate school more than anything ever, but missing work and having the work from while I was gone will make things 1000000000000x worse.


Report Misspegasister_ · 243 views · #school #sick

I hate my school · 5:33pm Jan 31st, 2018

My school is trying to block FIMfiction on the school wifi, because so many people use it and use up all the bandwidth... but I love that the parents are revealing some of their brony sides (that dodn't sound cultish at all) and saying why kids should have FIMfiction, and the school is daying that we should grow up... please I'm more grown up than any of the school, ohh butterfly...


Whew... · 4:41am Dec 7th, 2018

Semester's over. My last exams are done. Hopefully, this means my story writing will pick up soon. Working on a one-shot (can't stop making new stories, can't finish old ones :ajsleepy:) that I may or may not publish, thinking of making a new chapter for my Santa Claus story (don't know who the lucky pony to have gifts delivered to is yet) and hoping to finish the new chapter of War of 1002.

Been a stressful past couple of weeks. Playing video games is going to be a major temptation.


Well then. · 12:30am Nov 16th, 2016

Me being sick today just dunked half my grades to failing levels. Geez.

I'm normally a straight-A student, but I checked my grades a few minutes ago, and to my horror, found that it was now filled with F's and C's.

Why? Turns out that I got sick on the exact day of:

My biology test,

A new unit in PE,

A math quiz,

and Basketball, which I can't make up absent points for.

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Report TheMajorTechie · 292 views · #sick #school
Viewing 1 - 20 of 617 results