
Viewing 1 - 20 of 82 results

my ponies now and then · 9:25am Jan 22nd, 2016

This is Fizzy (I don't remember what I might have called her during my childhood so I'm using the official name) my G1 unicorn. The reason why I have her is both simple and complex. See I have two older sisters and they had My Little Ponies and I wanted to play with them so my mom bought me my own ponies.

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Report miiohau · 365 views · #G1 OCs

MLP The Movie (1986), a few comments · 1:25am Apr 1st, 2017

So a few months ago I sat down and tried to watch the original MLP movie from 1986. I was curious about G1 as before G4 I never had any motivation to even bother with it.

In short, it did not go well.

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Updated give aways list for writers and fans · 9:06pm Jan 7th, 2018

Ok, I threatened y'all with this before, but here it is, my give away list. The bloody thing has grown to the point where I had to make a spreadsheet for it.

It's not quite free, but 75¢ per envelope which will hold more than one item, plus postage. I'll ship any where in the world.
List is as far as I know sortable by the viewer. Questions can be sent to me here on this thread, by messenger or to edittaur•gmail

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Report Javarod · 328 views · #G1 #FiM #books #DVDs

Ancient Pony History · 3:47am Jun 17th, 2016

People like to speculate on where in the distant past G1 occurs. That is to say, there's got to be a time long before Twilight and long before Equestria, when ponies and humans walked together, and witches were motivated merely by who could be the most evil. Well, here's my take on the whole prehistoric G1 theory.

The Moochick is an interesting fellow.

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Report ferret · 899 views · #headcanon #speculation #G1

about my current, main work · 2:18am November 1st

I'll be working on the two next chapters simultaneously (both spanish and english editions), as I am planning to release them together, along with an update to the bookcover, chapters and more, all planned to come out on the same day so, I suppose there wont' be any update in november, or december even.

Plus at some moment I will publish either an EG fic or another G1 fic, both intended to be short readings of no more than 50k words.


I will be at EQLA! · 5:42am Aug 31st, 2015

And so will Lauren Faust, evidently, and I have mixed feelings about this. See, I originally signed on to go because it's practically in my backyard, so I think of it as a low-pressure con. There's nothing I have to do or see, so I can just leave if I'm bored or tired and not feel bad about it. Then they announced Bonnie Zacherle, and I was legit excited. No, I'm not a G1 fan, but I can't help but be interested in the origins of the toys and the show. I wanted to see her and what she had to

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Report scoots2 · 572 views · #conventions #eqla #G1 #toys

[HICHE] ADKoPD: Episode 6, Rescue at the Hive · 2:32pm Apr 16th, 2019

If the title didn’t give it away, this is the first majorly hyped event in the story, the episode where the first big arc gets resolved as we finally adapt the rest of part 2 of SGA’s premiere. As it stands, unfortunately, it’s also the longest drafted chapter for the rest of the story, including the actual finale. I told you this thing wasn’t finished. Welcome, friends, to Episode 6 of “A Different Kind of Pegasus Device”.

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G1 to G4 · 3:28am January 6th

I have fun idea recently about what G1 villains could be like in G4. We've seen a couple of them actually in the show, like Smooze and Tirek, but I was curious to see what others could be like. I think I've tried this once in a story with an idea I got from one of Silverquill's videos about Majesty, but there can be various other ones, like the Dragon Club or Catrina. But it's not just limited to villains, other characters like Weston, a bird that Spike found that could easily become an

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The Old Generations · 10:16am January 17th

Well, G4's been dead for a while and G5 is nothing of note, so I decided to go back and finally fill in the gaps with G1 and G3

...Honestly, I was pleasantly surprised by them

My Little Pony 'n Friends, the first half of G1, was far and away better than I thought it'd be at first glance

The animation's not great, the stories aren't deep, but the VA are having the time of their lives and bring so much life to the characters

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Report Vinylshadow · 107 views · #my little pony #G1 #G3

Random Pony POV World Building Fun: Lava Demons · 8:41pm Aug 18th, 2015

For the record, after King Lavan was destroyed during the Age of Myths, and the Ice Orks and Lava Demons chose to go far deeper below the surface, King Lavan's successor was known as Old King Coal, and a merry old soul was he. Give yourself a cookie if you get the reference! :-D


[HICHE] ADKoPD: Episode 4, The Power of Flutter Valley · 7:38pm Feb 4th, 2019

So I know how it looks. I had the Wraith wipe out G3 Ponyville sans one right at the beginning and then immediately after I had the G3 Breezies wipe themselves out sans one. I don’t hate G3, I swear! The idea to include past Gen world chunks in this story came early on but after the full setup was otherwise established, and admittedly these were the first two worlds I planned stories for. I can’t remember if I meant for them to both be this early, but they were needed to more firmly

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[HICHE] ADKoPD: Episode 14, The Quest for Power · 2:11pm Oct 15th, 2019

Upon examination of the topics of each episode, I’ve come to realize that the first half of the story has more dealings with past-Gen worlds than the upcoming second half, from almost all to almost none. Guess I wanted more Stargate in my Stargate story. For the time being, however, we’re still riding the past-Gen wave. Welcome, friends, to Episode 14 of “A Different Kind of Pegasus Device”.

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24 Reasons Why "The Crystal Empire" and "The Return of Tambelon" Are The Same · 6:07am Sep 4th, 2015

24 Reasons


1. It starts off as an ordinary day with everypony doing their ordinary pony things; playing hide-and-go-seek, doing mountains of paperwork, that sort of thing.

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New Story-"Bad Kitty" · 10:46pm Jul 10th, 2018

Through some recent leaks and rumors that MLP will be ending after season 9, it's looking very unlikely that we'll ever get a G4 representation of Catrina, which while I can't expect FIM to reboot every G1 character ever, it is disappointing. And it is rather weird to me that they're probably not going to do it especially after they made anthro cats canon with Capper in the MLP Movie. However, since this is a fanfiction website I took it upon myself to write my own take on the character in my

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Has anyone else noticed that these Similar characters from two generation that should meet. · 4:51am Oct 24th, 2022

Scootaloo and Danny Williams are extremely similar. For instance they both tend to be incredible energetic and tend to put others above themselves to worrying degrees. They other similarities to many for me to actually type them all out, heck they are even in the same age range so they are likely in the same grade. They of course have some differences like Danny being a bit of his trickster with his pranks and traps and Scootaloo being a bit fan girlish and a daremare, heck even those opposites

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[HICHE] ADKoPD: Episode 8, Do These Genes Fit Well? · 2:07pm Jun 3rd, 2019

One of the more awkward and latest-chosen episode titles, I’ll admit. I’d always hoped to improve it somehow like I did with “Rise and Seek”, but no good. Welcome, friends, to Episode 8 of “A Different Kind of Pegasus Device”.

[G-Docs Chapter Link – Do These Genes Fit Well?]

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MLP music that I truly love!!!!! · 10:33am Sep 17th, 2020








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Report Flora Blossom · 154 views · #mlp #songs #g1 #g3 #g4

I have now written a story for G1, G2, G3, G4 and G5! · 12:02pm August 9th

Gen 1

EThe Fire: Campfire Tales
The sweet ponyfolk of Dream Valley bond over a forest outing—after settling in, marred only by a few singed hooves, they share tales around the campfire, culminating in an epic by besties Masquerade and Paradise (pictured).
abrony-mouse · 24k words · 150 views

Gen 2

EWhat I am made of.
Everpony in Snow Castle thinks Blackberry is part-troll because he is so naughty, and so Clever Clover sends him away forever. After talking to his friends, he finds out what he is made of
abrony-mouse · 2.4k words · 280 views

Gen 3

EDelivering on Sweetness & Beyond
When Derpy and Crafty Crate deliver a package to a parallel dimension of sweet and innocent ponies, things go awry, and Ocean Mist, protégé of Kimono, learns a lesson as she overcomes her limitations to help them out
abrony-mouse · 16k words · 259 views

Gen 4

EI Think I've Made Myself Clear
Invisiblestia pranks Luna during a lesson with Starswirl.
abrony-mouse · 1.6k words  ·  56  3 · 776 views

Gen 5


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Report abrony-mouse · 78 views · #G1 #G2 #G3 #G4 #G5

[HICHE] ADKoPD: Episode 5, Enemy in the Sky · 5:43pm Feb 17th, 2019

You may have noticed that despite the major event this story started with, not many characters have acted too shaken up about it more than once or twice. That’s largely down to these early episodes being the first ones I envisioned, and not at a time when I was fleshing them out in that way, and by the time more in-depth ideas came along later, the events of the shallow parts were firmly entrenched into the story canon the better stuff was built on, and I just never got around to expanding

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[HICHE] ADKoPD: Episode 15, Letters from a Pegasus · 2:22pm Oct 21st, 2019

One way many stories build characters up is by first beating them down. While thinking about this story one day, I realized or decided I hadn’t done that enough yet, so I made this episode to make up for that. Welcome, friends, to Episode 15 of “A Different Kind of Pegasus Device”.

[G-Docs Chapter Link – Letters from a Pegasus]

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 82 results