• Member Since 23rd Aug, 2013
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"I'm Off!" said the Madman!!


Happy Easter! · 12:46am Mar 28th, 2016

Happy Easter, everyone!

Report Hopefullygoodgrammar · 467 views ·

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Question: Will you ever continue "Is that you my love? It was sooooo good so many stories are very good but never get completed. I don't want the same to happen to this one.

Thank you so very much for the fave on My Little Balladeer. I am slowly working on a sequel right now; when it gets posted I hope you like it as well.

  • Viewing 136 - 140 of 140
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Happy Easter! · 12:46am Mar 28th, 2016

Happy Easter, everyone!

Report Hopefullygoodgrammar · 467 views ·

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