• Member Since 14th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 10th, 2021


I'm that one guy who refuses to put a capital letter at the start of his user name.


Seeing Monsters · 11:52am Aug 19th, 2014

Ever stumble upon a fic that deserves a whole lot more attention than it actually gets?

Case and point, Seeing Monsters by Hopefullygoodgrammar.

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Report airbournesquid · 461 views ·

The Freakshow

Comments ( 40 )
  • Viewing 36 - 40 of 40

2091188 No problem, it's been pretty damned good so far.

Thanks for adding Blank to your favorites!

1350869 Title's sorted out, but still no comments section :applejackunsure:

This is... Peculiar. Is there just some really obvious thing that I'm missing out here?

No, wait, there it is. Problem sorted. Thanks a bunch.

1350831 What sorcery is this?

Hold on, lemmie check this out.

1350174 Thanks very much for that :twilightsmile: Did you now that Stitches is part of a bigger universe?

  • Viewing 36 - 40 of 40
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Seeing Monsters · 11:52am Aug 19th, 2014

Ever stumble upon a fic that deserves a whole lot more attention than it actually gets?

Case and point, Seeing Monsters by Hopefullygoodgrammar.

Read More

Report airbournesquid · 461 views ·

Seeing Monsters · 11:52am Aug 19th, 2014

Ever stumble upon a fic that deserves a whole lot more attention than it actually gets?

Case and point, Seeing Monsters by Hopefullygoodgrammar.

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Report airbournesquid · 461 views ·