Seeing Monsters · 11:52am Aug 19th, 2014
Ever stumble upon a fic that deserves a whole lot more attention than it actually gets?
Case and point, Seeing Monsters by Hopefullygoodgrammar.
I'm that one guy who refuses to put a capital letter at the start of his user name.
Ever stumble upon a fic that deserves a whole lot more attention than it actually gets?
Case and point, Seeing Monsters by Hopefullygoodgrammar.
Ever stumble upon a fic that deserves a whole lot more attention than it actually gets?
Case and point, Seeing Monsters by Hopefullygoodgrammar.
Ever stumble upon a fic that deserves a whole lot more attention than it actually gets?
Case and point, Seeing Monsters by Hopefullygoodgrammar.
2091188 No problem, it's been pretty damned good so far.
Thanks for adding Blank to your favorites!
1350869 Title's sorted out, but still no comments section
This is... Peculiar. Is there just some really obvious thing that I'm missing out here?
No, wait, there it is. Problem sorted. Thanks a bunch.
1350831 What sorcery is this?
Hold on, lemmie check this out.
1350174 Thanks very much for that
Did you now that Stitches is part of a bigger universe?