• Member Since 20th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Jun 6th, 2016

Greenfang Neverclear


I'm BAAAAAAAAACCCKKKK · 12:11am Feb 8th, 2016

Alright everyone, I'm back! And I promise I'm not as weird as last time. I'm, like, TWICE as weird! Haha, but seriously, I was a messed up kid. I lied, cheated, and got rekt by myself multiple times. I just want to clear some things up for you. 1) I've been gone for like 2 years because I forgot my username had a space in it. I'm an idiot. 2) I was REALLY messed up when I started this account, like ignorant, crazed teenager to the max. 3) I have grown up [mentally] and I promise that nothing

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Report Greenfang Neverclear · 250 views ·
Comments ( 35 )
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Comment posted by cuck deleted Sep 23rd, 2013

Thanks for the fav of Hivemind! I promice I am still working on it

Thanks for faving Friendship is Sacred

Thanks for faving The God Empress of Ponykind :rainbowkiss::trollestia:

I've been watching you this whole time. There is no point in doing the same to me.

  • Viewing 31 - 35 of 35
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