• Member Since 17th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 20th, 2013

Silent Flash

I am just a person who writes stuff in her spare time C:


Updates · 3:03am May 20th, 2013

Oh my gosh guys >n< I'm so sorry but I almost completely forgot about updating ATS.

I will work on it as soon as I can, if school doesn't get in the way again.

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Question : Are you dead?


351877 Thank you so much >w<

351864Thanks a lot!:pinkiehappy:While we're on the subject of good Portal fanfics, I just started reading your story "A Turret's Serenade." It's really good so far! (I'm about to read chapter 4) Can't wait to see how the Turret reacts to different aspects of pony life.

351855 No problem :derpytongue2:

I find your story unique, the way its written, the plot, the style. I can't wait to see what you will do with it!

Thanks so much for the favorite!:pinkiehappy:I love Portal too, so I wrote something about it.

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