• Member Since 14th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 10th, 2021


I'm that one guy who refuses to put a capital letter at the start of his user name.

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Animals all across Equestria are being possessed by the spirits of humans.

complete and utter anarchy ensues.

Chapters (1)

Being evil isn't easy.

Nobody knows this better than Ahuizotl. He's hatched a thousand evil plans and suffered a thousand crushing failures, each one more grave and embarrassing than the last. After yet another shameful defeat at the hooves of Daring Doo, Ahuizotl decides that it's time to shake things up a little.
Sure, the forces of good can overcome one villain at a time, but what about all of them at once?

Follow Ahuizotl and friends as they try strive to uphold dastardliness and evil in a world where love and compassion run rampant. These are the tales of BEFF, otherwise known as the 'Best Evil Friends Forever.'

Rated teen for light swearing and possible sexual themes somewhere in the future. We're talking roughly PEGI 13 here.

Chapters (3)

Rover hadn't planned for this.

Everything had been going so well for him up until now. He had gems in his pockets, food in his belly and friends by his side. What more can a Diamond Dog ask for?
But then it happened, that stupid, botched robbery. Now, by order of Equestrian law, he's stuck with a year of community service. An entire year! But you know what the worst part is? The real cherry on the cake?

He's been saddled with her!

Chapters (5)

Caramel has fallen head over hooves for the mare of his dreams, and as luck would have it, Hearts and Hooves day is hooves! Armed with a hoofmade Hearts and Hooves day card, a box of chocolates and a bouquet of flowers, he sets out to capture her heart.

If only she didn't live ninety feet in the air.

Chapters (1)

Caramel is a pony of many secrets, one of which being that he isn't actually a pony at all. Revealing his true identity to his beloved marefriend Applejack turns out to be a far more painful experience than he had originally believed, and now he is left alone and heartbroken. Perhaps, with the help of the professional tips on mare courting everypony seems so inclined to give him, he can win her back? With advice like this, not likely.

Be warned, this fic includes terrible dating advice.

Cover art created by a very generous MindEdge.

Chapters (11)

Luna finds a glitch in her new game, and has perhaps one of the most messed up reactions in history.

I wrote this to help deal with some of the horrendous writers block I've been experiencing and to satisfy my unhealthy cravings for violence. Enjoy.

Chapters (1)

Splinter is your average Timber Wolf, he hunts, he eats, he sleeps and then he eats some more. Rinse, lather and repeat. However, after being permanently handicapped whilst hunting a SERIOUSLY annoying rabbit, things quickly go south for the poor mutt. Now it seems as if he's going to have to adapt to being some hillbilly foal's pet.

Not if he has anything to say about it.

Join splinter as he valiantly makes a stand against hick ponies, aggrovating foals and an absolute hellspawn of a bunny!

Chapters (13)