• Member Since 7th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Aug 26th, 2024

Astral Phoenix

Both an MLP and WWE fanatic, interesting combo.


After discovering that Twilight will not be spending Hearth’s Warming with her family due to a recent snowstorm that has forced every railway station across Equestria to close down, the Apple Family plans to give the Princess of Friendship a truly memorable, heartfelt, and magical Hearth’s Warming she will never forget.

This is my entry for the NaPoWriMo 2017

Also, I'd like to thank VanilliaGhosties for allowing me to use his image for the cover and also I want to give huge thanks to Honey Mead, Level Dasher & ToXikyogHurt for help in editing.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 15 )

Gotta say, some of those lyrics are pretty freakin' hard to rhyme when you need five at a time. Can't really blame me for going back to the original at the end, right? :heart:

Very nicely done. A feel good story that feels like a pony episode. Best of luck in the contest. :)

8591592 Thank you so much. :twilightsmile:

This so deserves a fav and a like

Good story. However…

Doing as she’s told, Twilight slowly opens up her eyes. Her mouth drops wide open, and her pupils shrink down to mere pinpricks. Standing all over Sweet Apple Acres is a crowd of ponies, hundreds, standing around chatting happily as they watch the Princess of Friendship. Every pony from Ponyville is standing on Applejack’s farm: their friends, their families, Cheerilee, the school fillies and colts, and Apple Bloom’s fellow Crusaders, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. But that isn’t all: Trixie, the Wonderbolts, Discord, Thorax, the Changelings, Ember, Sunset Shimmer, Celestia and Luna are also a part of the crowd. Plus, Twilight recognises her old friends from Canterlot standing up in the front of the crowd: Minuette, Twinkleshine, Lemon Hearts, and of course, Moondancer.

I think you went overboard here.

Nice. Ending really captures the feel of old Christmas specials.

Very Hearthwarming from start to end

No this is an entirely different story separate from Mum's the Word.

This is heartwarming, but I feel there is maybe a bit too much overdoing (some scenes and dialogues a bit too forced, some emotions a bit too strong, some relationships a bit too strong compared to the show's - some background on how these bonds tightened would have been good -, the 2 Sisters, Ember, Thorax, Trixie, the Wonderbolts, ... all coming in - I'd have settled on Twilight's family, the Apple family, then, at most, the rest of the CMC and Mane 6 and their family -, ...)

That was a good story.

Jesus Christ this was amazing, and also sunset coming at the end too? God damn applejack ok (even though I'm half thinking it was starlights idea)

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