Every day for the past few days, a mournful song has been coming out of the alleyway beside the rescue shelter Fluttershy works at. She finally braves the scary alleyway, concerned for the possibly injured creature, but is surprised by who she has found.
Maybe, if she can show Sonata Dusk just a little bit of kindness, she can turn the poor girl's life around.
Edited by Level Dasher.
Whats with all these crazy fast updates this month! I just can't keep up

Just kidding, this is heaven
Wow. Wasn't expecting something like that, despite the Dark tag.
Mehwell, still good.
I wont say that it killed it for me ,but it did throw me off completely.
Well at least now by feeding on love you would not stick out and what's more it will be easier to obtain. But that sacrifice thing was a fast and curved one.
Well, yeah, kind of! I mean, you seemed like you were going that way, and then this happened! I don't know what our relationship is anymore!
Moosey, you're tearing me apart!
Easier than plunging a knife in your chest, at least.
That's... actually a pretty good point. I mean, it was still something of a cutting realization, but when you put it into perspective like that, it really took the edge off.
5384822 Wow, why the sharp comments about this story? I mean come on, you're killing me.
5384822 5384857
That's it, the two of you need to line up for your punishment.
Especially you, 5384822, given all the hassle you give me over my stinkers!
We have to take the good with the bad, for that is the nature of the Game.
There can be only pun!
Huh, I'm not really sure why this is [Dark], I'm not seeing any-- oh, there it is.
Lulz, I just got trolled.
OMG Yes! Finally a bait and switch Sonata Redemption story! I can't tell you for how long I've been waiting for this! You deserve a fav!
On a side note, how are the chances of a sequel? Oh boy do I want to see Shy's reaction to this.
I am glad I am not the only one who was itching for one.
Not sure if there is much need for a sequel, as I have enough in the bag as it is.
I can assure you there are more people like us, in fact I just recently talked to someone in another story's comments about how refreshing it would be to read a Sonata Redemption story where it turns out that she was evil all along. Alas, I can't remember that person's name or I would have immediately linked this story to them after reading, but here's hoping they find it themself.
Man I was like: "And they are happy together everything turns out ... wtf?"
On the otherhand they did kill Angel. I'm ok with that.
in case
5386103 I corrected that on the draft document! Thank you for pointing it out again— I guess he copied that chapter into FimFic before I nabbed it...
WHAT!? I come here for my guilty pleasure Sonata redemption story-reading and we're gonna end on THIS note?
On the other hand, Sonata apparently DOES still consider Fluttershy a friend of sorts, although I don't think she'll like what just happened... assuming she finds out.
Herp derp.
Huh. Kinda wary of that [Dark] tag.
In our world, we have a Doctrix Jane Goodall studying Chimpanzees in Africa.
This story points out that Miss Sonata Dusk is not good. She is so stupid that ponies forget that she is evil.
This is a rather bizarre way to do a Sonatashy fic.
5386869 That pesky space bar...
Have you ever considered submitting this story to Equestria Daily? You can find out how to do so here.
Trope used: The Farmer and the Viper Poor Fluttershy...
Lol, I think you've asked that on about five of my stories, and the answer is always the same.
I have tried in the past, but they've been rejected, and I don't really see the benefit of going through and changing my stories to meet their standards (no offense intended to them) when few stories featured really get that much of a bump in likes. And the changes that have been suggested to me are not proofreading/editing, as I have an excellent editor.
While I am an avid follower of EqD, personally, I don't feel that I need EqD's feature to really get any more exposure to my story. I have enough followers to bump a good deal of my fics to either the feature box or (as in the case of this story) the popular box.
To me, it's just not worth the effort.
I feel....betrayed. I did not expect that. wow..
Dude, wtf did i just read.
I wasnt expecting an ending like that at all.... I mean, thats pretty fucked up.
I was expecting a sweet, beautiful ending, not a fucked up ending killing innocent animals for power.
And then end up attempting to hurt fluttershy.
Lol, why would you expect a sweet ending? The Dazzlings have been evil for thousands of years.
My brain can't help but think that, given the Dark tag the complete version of that line is "before I killed her for her stupid plan making us lose our magic."
No, no. Sonata really did become Fluttershy's friend. And she's happily reunited with her sisters. It's sweet.
And frankly, more in character than most of these.
…and hated all the more for it. Hah!
Which is pretty silly. As if the tags and chapter titles weren't indicative of what you're getting. If anything it was surprisingly sweet, for what it was... in a pleasant way. Not too much darkness nor too much fluff.
But yes, it's pretty bad when Cafeteria Control/Pinkie and Sonata's Excellent Adventure universe Sonata is more in-character than your average fic, given the entire point of that series is exaggerate the characters into humorous caricatures. But at least that one's still evil (just bad at it because she's dumb).
One doesn't simply forget the name Discord
That is the greatest line break in the history of line breaks.
disco guy, boogie down
This, I think, is a Sonata-On-Her-Own fic done right. Good job!
Lol, thanks. I knew this one wasn't going to be an overly popular story of mine, given everyone's love of Sonata, so I am glad a few people like yourself enjoyed it.
6281853 I adore Sonata, and prefer her characterized as the nicest of the Dazzlings...and I'm glad I read this story!

...I suppose, thinking about it, you didn't really break that characterization
I knew something was gonna happen, but definitely not that. Still though, great story, great characterization, and genuinely enjoyable all around.
Show compassion, BUT TAKE PRECAUTIONS!
And the littlebit of hopes i had left for her, destroyed.
I hope she realizes she's not getting a third chance after pulling something like this when the rainbooms defeat them again.