Oh yeah~! · 6:16am Nov 29th, 2018
Power up, power down, power power all around~!
If you ever need a new friend, you can go here for a list of new users.
Offer them advice and company, they'll need all the help they can get if they're a new writer or maybe they just need a friend to offer them reading recommendations!
Think about being the first to follow them, support is very encouraging and drives many writers. I remember on my first day somebody sent me a PM welcoming me into the community!
I'm not afraid of being a true friend.
I try to be as nice as I can. To be kind like Fluttershy, and make everyone happy like Pinkie Pie. I can't stand to see a friend sad Like I've said multiple times, I'm your light in times of darkness.
That's 121 total followers. Thank you. Thank you all!
The discussion about that 'unsung' rating has gone to so many places! One of the results has been a two-post series by Bookplayer on the subject of friendship and networking. It got tricky,
"Happy is one who is able to escape from the lower self and feel the gentle breeze of friendship. The heart is so full of the Beloved that there is no room for anyone else. The Beloved flows through every vein and nerve. Every atom of the body is filled with the Friend."
— Nuruddin Abdur-Rahman Jami (1414-1492)
It's been a hell of a week, gang.
Aside from the fire last week, I also lost a gig for my second job hosting trivia nights (the venue made sure to say that it had nothing to do with me, they loved me. They just weren't getting the numbers they wanted). On top of that, this week, a friend I've had for 20 years made it clear he no longer wants anything to do with me.
So, there are four deleted scenes on the Friendship Games DVD that lay out a dropped character arc from an ealier draft of the script.
I'm told that very, very little was cut from the Discovery family version of Friendship Games, so I've started work on the Letter.
Long-time readers will know that the EG letters are a bit more of a doozy than episodes, so not sure if it'll be out soon, or after the DVD release in two weeks.
It.... was... surprisingly good! The animation seemed a bit better, especially with the magic, and seeing the character development was enjoyable (the Elements displaying their qualities in a way that didn't seem contrived was a nice touch). Seeing teen girls actually acting like teen girls? Yup. And, man, that villain! I didn't think a completely human villain in a EG movie would work, but she pulled it off. And speaking of pulling things off, am I wrong for thinking she's hot? I have a thing
Haha, I was just talking about this, wasn't I?
I just watched the new Friendship Games trailer here and I have to admit being stoked. Sci-Twi presents a way to fall in love with Twilight Sparkle all over again. (Cuz while I never made a big deal about Twilicorn, I have to admit that the event stopped me from identifying with her as much as I originally did.)
I know I am!
Join the official fanclub!!!!!!
This is not a group about my fanfiction, I would never be able to do that, it's about the third movie!
It looks like so many new exciting characters are being ignore and nobod's Just join! Yay!
Guess who?
Me obviously... ugh, who else?
I know I've been away for a bit but you'll be happy to know that the next chapter is in the works! This one, however, may take a while, as its going to be the last one- WHOA! Put the guns down! I'm not finished.
That..was....AWESOME!!!! Brand new 10 minute sneak peek hath arrived, and it's a doozy!
Here's just the song part...
I don't know if I should dip out on this dude, or not. He usually calls me up and says "What's up" or something every month or so, But I feel like he just does it because he wants attention or he's got nothing better to do or the fact that I'm not there at his house anymore. You see his friend lives with him in the same room as him, And I used to have to live with him as well in the same bedroom for a month, God, That shit pissed me off so much. I swear sometimes this dude is a narcissist But
Alright, time for part two of Updating Friendship! I would also like to note that I forgot on the first part that Fall Weather Friends and Winter Wrap-Up would be switched around in the order to make the season flow chronologically.
Onto Season Two!
From the few responses I've gotten, it sounds like people want to see a tenth season in my version so that's what will happen. Updating season 8 is up there with my biggest changes to the show, right next to extending season 3 to a full 26-episode season. This season had a lot of episodes that fell flat for much of the audience, so I did my best to modify all the ones that needed heavy edits.
Onto Season 8: Class Chaos! Now with a lot less terrible episodes!
I have to admit, a lot of ideas I have for further Hands adventures after "The Cutie Remark" are mainly Shepherd reacting to stupid ideas.
Twilight: "Okay everypony: We are going to start... A Friendship School!"
Shepherd: "Okay... How big will this school be?"
Twilight: "A full on friendship academy! As many students as we can have!"
Shepherd: "Okay... And you'll be teaching, er, Friendship?"
PM me if you wish to join. You can be editor/co-author.
Tl;dr: The new writers skewered Friendship is Magic and because of the tonal shift and what I perceive to be disloyalty to the characterisation of our favourite ponies, I no longer watch the show or consider myself one hundred percent a brony.
I'm not an analytical type so please bear with me as I talk about my journey with Friendship is Magic.