• Member Since 29th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen July 17th

Chaos Phantasm

An on again-off again Australian FIMfiction author. I like to write stories, be they good or bad. I always have an idea in my head just waiting to be used. I love to write and will continue to do so.


How is everyone? · 1:09am Feb 24th, 2022

Hello. :twilightsmile:

I wasn't very active last year. Normally I write blogs to let people know that I'm still roaming about on the site, but for some reason last year, I didn't. I'm sorry about that. It's not like I had anything going on either, I was just lazy, I suppose.

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The Library


Comments ( 36 )
  • Viewing 32 - 36 of 36

Thank you for liking my story Pipp Sandwich ^^

That's a shame, it was a story with good potential.
If I was good at creating stories, I'd ask to adopt her, but I'm a piece of crap with random attacks of creativity.
I'm currently writing (in a notebook) a cross over between digimon adventure 02 and digimon timers (3), I managed to get to chapter 4 and started writing it in April...
oh speaking of the fanfic I'll start publishing it when I complete chapter 5...

alright ^^
at least you warned me
and I followed you because I wanted to.

  • Viewing 32 - 36 of 36
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