• Member Since 29th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen Sep 10th, 2024

Chaos Phantasm

An on again-off again Australian FIMfiction author. I like to write stories, be they good or bad. I always have an idea in my head just waiting to be used. I love to write and will continue to do so.



It is the middle of winter, it was cold that day, but that night was even colder. Freezing in her bed at night, Nyx seeks out the warmth of one who has always been there to love and comfort her. Winter is a season of rest, as Nyx is about to learn, though cold and as harsh as a Windigo's call, it can be a beautiful, and wonderful time of year.

Cover art by the lovely and talented, TealessTea.
Nyx is a character created by Pen Stroke.
Short story, intended to show just a small moment in Nyx's life.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 25 )

i like it

Her hooves were col

oooo so close.
cute little story I approve.

6288060 Thank you. :twilightsmile:

Now If you would be kind enough to tell me where this mistake is specifically so that I may fix it? :ajbemused:

6288078 last section 3rd paragragh

a few mistakes here and there (apostrophes in plural words when there should be none [mares, not mare's]), but those were usually minor mistakes.

otherwise the story was very enjoyable :twilightsmile:

Wait, I thought Nyx avoided Sugarcube Corner like the plague since the twins saw her eyes and freak out whenever she shows up. Like how she avoids Sweet Apple Acres because Granny Smith has it out for her.

Moments like that one are why I like Past Sins so much though.

D'aaawww, so sweet:pinkiesmile:

so sweet that its too cute I love it

These words are sugar to my eyes! But Nyx never called Twilight Mommy, which makes me a little sad. AND WHY DID NOPONY MAKE HOT CHOCOLATE WITH MARSHMALLOWS????

I don't have a heart of stone.

BWAHAHAHAH! :fluttershbad: TOO ADORBS!

So, is Nyx nightmare moon herself? I'm new to this character.

6293915 She is a re-incarnation of Nightmare Moon, she was introduced in the story Past Sins, by Pen Stroke. A highly recommended read. :twilightsmile:

6298233 Believe me, Past Sins is a must read. Those who joined the fandom late (like me) had some difficulty catching up to the "classics" of the fandom because people just expect that you know them but you really don't.
So anyways, I believe I managed to find all of the need-to-reads, which I compiled below in case you don't know some of them.
Fallout: Equestria by kKat - super overkill book that is so long that it's one of the longest fanfiction ever published by a single author. It's a Fallout 3 and MLP crossover. =P
Past Sins by Pen Stroke - a lot more manageable in length, and it's my favorite fanfiction so far (in fact, my favorite written work, including published books). Also, Nyx is the cutest OC ever.
Anthropology by JasonTheHuman - I liked it and it wasn't bad. This is probably why Lyra's association with humans is so famous.
My Little Dashie by ROBCakeran53 - pretty short and serviceable. References to this (usually parodies) all over the place.
Cupcakes by Sergeant Sprinkles - I honestly don't know why this is one of the need-to-knows (not exactly the best writing in my opinion), but there are references to this all over the place. I guess it was pretty unique for its time?

Anyways, did I miss one? I wouldn't be surprised if I did. I'm unendingly surprised by the extent of the fandom that it would not be unexpected that some classics slipped by my search.

6316514 I might give it a whirl sometime soon. :raritystarry:

6318485 Nonsense. One does not *might* give Past Sins a whirl *sometime soon*. It is commonly accepted that he who has not read Past Sins *must*, by account of pony law, read it *now*. And then stay up until 3 in the morning because you can't get yourself to stop reading. And that's not good old-fashioned fanfic-loving speak. It's scientific fact now.
(let's see how many references you get =P)

6320103 Oh, crap! I don't wanna get arrested! :twilightoops:

Comment posted by James-Plasma deleted Jul 21st, 2016

Aww so sweet.

Comment posted by sonaltea deleted Sep 22nd, 2023
Comment posted by marthasimons deleted Sep 22nd, 2023
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